Chapter 14. Acceptance

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($till updating)

Caleb Cooper

"mum am fine, the exams are going well"

"are you eating healthy?"

"mum, the only person you should be looking after is dad. I swear am as fat as a pig"

"fine, promise you will come home once examinations are over. We all miss you dear"
"I miss you too mum. I promise I will come once exams are done"
"is dad feeling better?"
"well he seems better than last time*

I wasn't proud that I wasn't giving my family enough attention but I couldn't help it. Exams were around the corner and I had needed to get back to study. I really was going after the exams, I had one more week and then I will be done. Plus I needed time away from this city. I needed the air of washville and mum's cooking made a good sound.

"have you talked to your sister?" mum asked quietly.
"did she call you?" I was curious.
"she did. She said she wants to join us this holiday"
"oh... Okay. What did you say?"
"am her mother Caleb. Of course I wouldn't say no if she wants to come home"
"good. That's good. I talked to her yesterday. She didn't mention that but am sure she just forgot. Is He coming too?"
"I don't know. But we will just expect him. It's high time we properly accept him in the family even though he is 40 now. It's never too late for a son in law." she laughed on her own mummy joke and I just smiled at the fact mum and my sister were OK.

My family's issues are complicated. As much we look OK from the outside, we are broken on the inside and we all know that. As I said, my sister is married with a kid. But the thing is, my sister got married 5 years ago... And she is only a year old than me. Yeah, she got married when she was 19, which according to my parents was really early.

And she never told them she was pregnant with the guys child. They only find out after she went into labour, after 3 months in marriage. It was as disturbing as it was unexpected. My mother was so shocked she couldn't believe it.
I mean one day she has a little daughter who just started college and the next, her daughter is married and has a child. And worst thing is the husband is someone who was in jail before. He was 16 years older than her. Like how did my 19 year old sister get to meet a 35 year old man to a point where he impregnated her?

I haven't seen my parents raise their voices the way they had done that time. They had expected a lot from their first born child. After that, my sister left with her husband to God knows where. She didn't even say anything, she didn't even tell me anything. She just.... Left.

She contacted me 2 years later. Fucking 2 years later, expecting everything to be back to normal just like that. Coming home with a two year old son that we never had a chance to smile at. I missed my nephew's growing because my sister couldn't swallow her pride.
When she had shown up after two years my mum didn't say anything. Infact she welcomed her openly and let her stay home without asking anything. Dad had been in the states by then for work. She later explained that the man had cheated on her and all the bullshit she could tell our parents. I mean it was so obvious, she was way too much of a Child for him. He would need someone his own mindset to talk to.

What brought us all together was little Nathan who was an angel by the way. Dad was so happy to have a grand child that he switched jobs to come back to the eastern. The family was happy again. But my sister had to ruin it again by going back to her husband, saying he had changed.
She didn't even ask for our opinions about it, she just left... Again. It's not even that our family is not well to do, they would have taken care of both her and the child till she settled with life.
Well, at least this time she didn't cut ties with us. She would call and tell us how Nathan is doing and send pictures.

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