Chapter Nine - Teaming Up

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Cynthia sat on the left side of Jonathan while Nancy sat on his right. They were all silent. Their grand plan had gone sideways before they even had a chance to do anything. What a promising start. Cynthia looked up and saw Joyce coming in with Hopper.

"Shit," she muttered to herself as she sunk down in her seat. "Your mom is here, Jonathan."

Jonathan closed his eyes, "Dammit."

"Jonathan!" Joyce walked up to them. "Jesus, what happened?" She looked at the police officer with a broken nose. "Why is he wearing handcuffs?"

"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer," the other one explained. "That's why."

"Take them off," Joyce demanded.

"I am afraid I can't do that," one of the officers said.

"Take them off!" Joyce said again.

"You heard her," Hopper said. "Take them off."

One of the officers pulled the sheriff to the side. Then, the officers and Joyce walked outside.

"Oh shit, they're looking through the car," Cynthia put a hand over her eyes.

"Again," Nancy said. "We're screwed, aren't we?"

"Maybe just a little," Cynthia said.

The officers and Joyce came back into the station. Hopper and Joyce stood right in front of them.

"Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan asked.

"Is that really the question you should be asking right now?" Hopper asked him. "I want to see you in my office."

"You won't believe me," Jonathan said.

"Why don't you try me," Hopper said.

All three of them were herded into Hopper's office. They sat awkwardly in front of Hopper and Joyce.

"Start talking," Hopper said. "Now."

"Well it all started when Nancy came to us and..." Cynthia started to spill.

Jonathan elbowed her in the side, "Seriously, Cynthia?"

"Look, Jon," Cynthia laid it out for them. "Your mom is with Hopper right now which probably means he knows some things. In fact, he's practically inviting us to tell him. They probably know more than we give them credit for. Right now, you are handcuffed, beaten, and we sore need of assistance. So, let's use this opportunity." She looked across Jonathan at Nancy. "Is my logic sound?"

"Smartest thing I've heard you say," Nancy smiled at her.

"Great," Cynthia turned back to the adults. "So, like I said, Nancy came to us and was like 'Barb's gone, but this photo you took of her has something weird in the background'. So, Jonathan did something with the photo, and it turns out it's the weird monster with no face that both Nancy and I saw."

"What you saw it?" Joyce asked.

"Yes," Cynthia nodded. "Keep up. Then we were like, let's go into the woods and try and hunt. And then there was a deer, and then Nancy climbed into a gooey tree, and then we wanted to hunt and kill it because we have a theory and we wanted to test it. Got it?"

Hopper and Joyce looked at her. She couldn't quiet read the looks on her faces.

"Basically, what she's trying to say," Nancy stepped in. "There's a monster out there and we all believe that it's the thing that took Will and Barb. We wanted to kill it, so it would be safe for them."

"That's why we have all the bear traps and stuff in the car," Jonathan finished explaining.

Hopper got up and walked out of the office. Joyce grabbed Jonathan and went out of the room.

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