Chapter Thirty Eight - The Start of a Campaign

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Cynthia was glad that she had a few days off from work. She had finally made it to the last day of her shift rotation: two whole days off. She was also glad that her days off coordinated with Jonathan's and Nancy's. They had all been so busy that they hadn't had the most time to hang out. Tomorrow was going to be a fun girl's day with Nancy turned into movie night with Jonathan. Tonight, however, was going to be spent with Eddie. She always was glad that he was off at 3:00. As she went to open the door to the trailer, a man came out of the trailer.

"Hi," Cynthia froze. She assumed that this was Eddie's uncle.

"Hello," Mr. Munson said. "And you might you be?"

"I'm Cynthia," she told him. "I'm Eddie's girlfriend."

"Well I'll be damned," Mr. Munson looked shock. "He wasn't messing with me. Nice to meet you, Cynthia. I'm Eddie's uncle."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Munson," she smiled at him.

"Call me Wayne," he told her. "Well, I got to be heading out to work."

"Have a good shift," Cynthia said as he walked pass her.

Cynthia walked into the trailer. She didn't hear Eddie practicing his guitar, but she did hear one of his metal albums blaring from the room. Cynthia walked right into the room and found Eddie hunched over a notebook on his bed. He looked up at her when he heard the door creak open.

"Met your uncle," Cynthia said as she dropped her bag. "He's really nice."

"Dammit, I forgot to tell you he's switching swifts," Eddie cursed himself. "You'll be running into him if you just come here after work."

"That's fine," Cynthia said. She grabbed some shorts from her bag. She took off her Scoops Ahoy shorts and replaced them with the much comfier pair.

Eddie wolf-whistled at her, "Looking good, Smart-Ass."

"Only for you, Hair Band," Cynthia smiled at him. She went to his dressers and started to go through his shirts.

"What are you doing?" he asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Looking for something to wear," Cynthia told him. "I thought that was obvious." She saw a shirt with the sleeves cut off. It had Metallica's name on it. Cynthia took off the top half of her uniform and put on Eddie's shirt.

"You should wear my clothes more often," Eddie told her as she sat on the bed next to him. He kissed her temple.

"What are you working on?" Cynthia's eyes scanned over the open page.

"We're starting a new DND campaign after I get back from my 4th of July trip," Eddie explained. "I'm getting the campaign in order before I leave that way it's ready when I come back."

"Where are you with it?" Cynthia asked.

Eddie's eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face, "You want to talk about DND with me?"

"This is the part of DND that I actually enjoy," Cynthia told him. "Of course I want to hear the story that you came up with."

"Have I told you how much I love you today?" Eddie asked her. He leaned in close to her. They were only about an inch apart.

"No," Cynthia could only focus on his lips.

"Can I kiss you now and show my appreciation later?" Eddie asked her.

"You better make good on that promise," Cynthia teased him.

Eddie laughed as he kissed her. Cynthia put one hand on the back of his neck to pull him closer. She loved everything about Eddie. She loved everything about him and her together.

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