Chapter Sixty One - Halloween Party

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Cynthia spun around in the mirror to get the full effect of her costume. She smiled as she saw herself. Cynthia had had some fun Halloween costumes, but had never looked quite this good.

"Stop preening in front of the mirror," Nancy said as she shoved Cynthia aside to start on her makeup. "I need to get my make up done."

"Nance, you already look like Madonna," Cynthia said. "You look great."

"Thanks," Nancy said as she put on her eyeliner. "You look pretty good yourself."

"I know," Cynthia smiled as she looked down at her costume. "I really went the whole nine yards this year. Do I look like a convincing vampire?"

"Totally," Nancy smiled. "I'm impressed your fangs look so real."

"I know," Cynthia grabbed the tube of fake blood. "I didn't think it was going to look half as good as it ended up being." She put the fake blood on her hand and smeared it across her lower jaw. It looked like she had wiped her mouth after getting her teeth knocked in. It was perfect.

"I think you've got enough blood," Nancy said as she looked at Cynthia.

"How else are people suppose to know I'm a deadly vampire who will suck their blood?" Cynthia asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you ready to go?" Nancy asked.

"Almost," Cynthia went into Nancy's room and grabbed her Polaroid camera. "We've got to get a picture first."

"I didn't expect anything less," Nancy chuckled.

Cynthia held the camera out in front of them and snapped the picture. She grabbed and shook it as it came out. Cynthia smiled at the result. It might be her favorite picture of the two of them.

"All right," Nancy pulled Cynthia out of her room. "Let's go."

"I'm coming," Cynthia laughed. "I'm coming."

Nancy and Cynthia got to Nancy's car. Cynthia threw her bag in the back. Nancy started the car and they were on their way to the party.

"So," Nancy said. "Is Eddie coming to this party?"

"He said he was coming later," Cynthia said. "That probably means he's going to be selling weed to the people at the party, but I'm not going to argue."

"Is he dressing up with you?" Nancy asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Cynthia asked as she looked at Nancy. "It was Eddie's idea to dress up as vampires. He's more obsessed with Halloween than me."

"I hope he's a scarier vampire than you," Nancy teased.

"I am plenty of scary," Cynthia said. "If I was a vampire, I would be the scariest, most efficient vampire killer ever."

"Real convincing," Nancy said.

"Nice sarcasm," Cynthia said.

"Thanks, I've been working on it," Nancy spared her a quick glance and a smile.

"You're going to be the death of me, Nancy Drew," Cynthia said. "That's what you should have been this year! Nancy Drew! It would have been so perfect."

"How about this," Nancy said. "I'll be Nancy Drew next year, and I'll send you a picture in the mail."

"You better," Cynthia said. "Or I'll drive down to Emerson myself and kick your ass."

"I would expect nothing less from you, Cynthia."

They pulled up to the party. Cars were already lining the street and music was already playing. Cynthia smiled. This was going to be fun. The two friends got out of the car and started walking towards the house.

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