Chapter Sixty Six - A Christmas Miracle

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Cynthia found Max walking through the hallways. She reached into her bag and took out the bag that held Max's gift. Max was in her own little world. She didn't seem to notice anyone or anything.

"Max," Cynthia put her hand on the girl's shoulder.

Max jumped a little and looked over her shoulder, "Cynthia, you scared me."

"Sorry," Cynthia apologized. "I didn't mean to." She held out the gift to Max. "I just wanted to give this to you before break."

"I didn't get you anything," Max said as she took the gift from Cynthia.

"I don't want anything," Cynthia. She watched Max start to open the bag. "I'm just making all my gift-giving rounds."

"Cynthia, I can't accept this," Max said. "It's too much."

"Keep it," Cynthia smiled at her. "I've noticed that you've been needing a way to listen to music, so I thought a Walkman was the best bet. I even made a few mix tapes for you. I made sure to put some of your favorites on there."

"Thanks, Cynthia," Max smiled at her. "It means a lot."

"Are you sure you don't want to come to the hang out at the Wheeler's?" she asked. "I know that we have an extra spot for you."

"I'm good," Max said. "Have fun."

"Thanks," Cynthia said. "You have a good night."

"I will," Max said as she walked away.

Cynthia walked the opposite way and made her way to Eddie's locker. She wanted to see Eddie before she left for break. She knew that she was going to see Eddie so much over break, but she still wanted to say bye. Luckily, Eddie met her in the hallway. It was clear that he had the same idea as her.

"I'm going to miss not seeing you everyday," Eddie wrapped his arms around her and gave her a kiss in the middle of the hall.

"You do realize that you're still going to see me almost every day," Cynthia said as she raised her eyebrow.

"I'm not going to see you tonight," Eddie said as he put his arm around her. They were starting to make their way to the door. "And then there's the days you'll be hanging out with your friends. I just love you so much." He poked at her side. It made Cynthia both jolt and laugh.

"You're ridiculous," Cynthia giggled. "And needy."

"You love me though," Eddie said.

"Yes I do," Cynthia grabbed her hat from her bag and put it on her ears. It was cold. "Are you still coming over on Christmas?"

"Of course," Eddie smiled at her. "It's going to be so much better than spending the day alone."

"Oh no," Cynthia bit her lip. "I think the boys and Nancy are a bit mad at me." They were all huddled together by her car. It was clear that they had been waiting for Cynthia.

"Go," Eddie said as he let her go. "You don't want them to get any madder at you."

"I love you," Cynthia said as she stood on her tiptoes and gave Eddie a quick kiss.

"Love you too," Eddie said as they pulled away from each other. As Cynthia turned to walk away, Eddie smacked her ass. Cynthia turned around and flashed Eddie a look. He just had a grin on his face as he walked away. Cynthia walked the rest of the way to her car.

"Took you long enough," Dustin said as she walked up. "We're freezing out here."

"Nancy, how long were you all actually standing out here?" Cynthia asked as she unlocked the car. They all got in. Cynthia made sure to turn the heat up.

"Just two minutes," Nancy said as she put her gloved hands against the air vent. "But, it's cold enough that it felt way longer."

"Sorry," Cynthia said. "Robin stopped me in the hallway to make sure her, Steve, and I were still hanging out on Sunday, and then I had to give Max her present, and I had to say bye to Eddie."

"We were still freezing," Mike said.

"Yeah," Lucas said. "We basically have frostbite."

"Any longer and we could have died," Dustin said.

Cynthia turned and looked at the backseat where the three boys were, "Stop complaining or I'm making you walk to the Wheeler house."

They all opened and closed their mouths. It was clear that they weren't going to argue. Cynthia started the car and started to head to the Wheeler house. Cynthia turned on the Christmas station on the radio. Classic Christmas carols were playing. Everyone seemed happy with the music choice. Cynthia hated that this year's break situated itself so they went to school for their usual week. Luckily, they wouldn't have to go back for two whole weeks. Cynthia pulled into the Wheeler house; there was a strange car in the driveway.

"Were you expecting anyone, Nancy?" Cynthia asked as they all got out.

"No," Nancy told her. "Maybe it's one of my mom's friends."

The small group went inside. They all shed their heavy winter coats, gloves, and hats at the door. Cynthia smiled when she saw the Christmas tree in the Wheeler's living room. All the presents that had been laid out for tonight were still there. But, there were two presents that weren't there this morning. Maybe it was just something extra the Wheeler's brought in.

"We're going down to the basement," Mike said. "Call us up when it's time for pizza and presents." The boys headed downstairs.

"Sure," Nancy rolled her eyes. "No need to say please."

"Little brothers are horrible," Cynthia told her. "He'll lose the attitude when he realizes he isn't going to be able to annoy every single day."

"Well that's comforting," Nancy said. "Do you want to make some hot cocoa for the two of us."

"If I ever say no to that, shoot me," Cynthia teased.

The two girls headed to the kitchen, but they stopped in their tracks when they saw who was there. Cynthia's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She turned her head and looked at Nancy. Nancy was looking at her with an identical expression. They both turned back to the person in front of them.

"OH MY GOD!" they both exclaimed as they rushed Jonathan. The two girls slammed into Jonathan and pulled him into the biggest hug. Jonathan staggered backwards, but wrapped his arms around Cynthia and Nancy.

"You're back!" Nancy squealed. "You're actually back! I thought you couldn't make it."

"I wanted to surprise you guys," Jonathan said.

"Consider us surprised," Cynthia said as she pulled away from the hug. It was so nice to see Jonathan. "Oh my god, I'm so horrible. Your present isn't here. I already sent it in the mail."

"Don't worry about it," Jonathan said. "I'm just glad to be here."

"How long are you in for?" Nancy asked.

"I'll be here for a week and a half," Jonathan said. "You're parents said it was totally fine that I stay here."

"We have so much to tell you, Jonathan," Cynthia said as she took a seat on the counter. "It's been so weird without you here."

"Yeah," Nancy nodded as she looked at Jonathan. "We've missed you so much."

"Well, let's make some cocoa and let's talk about it," Jonathan smiled at them. "I've got a lot to tell you guys to."

Cynthia was in heaven for the rest of the night. It was just perfect. There was so much joy and laughter and talking and storytelling. Letters and phone calls don't always do stories justice. It was so nice to just talk with Jonathan again. Then, the time for pizza and presents came and went. Everyone loved all of their presents. Cynthia was so excited about the fun lipstick colors that Nancy had gotten her and the Californian coloring book that Jonathan had gotten her. All of her friends loved the presents they got her. Nancy got a fancy journalist notebook, Dustin and Mike got new personalized DND notebooks, and Lucas got a basketball jersey. As the day turned into night, they all started to settle in and turn on a movie. Before Cynthia knew it, her eyes started to droop and she fell asleep on couch in the Wheeler's basement. It was such a perfect day.

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