Chapter Thirty Two - Senior Skip Day

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Cynthia had her headphones in as she was walking back to her car. She cursed at herself. She had forgotten her damn backpack in the car. She was just glad it was going to be quieter today. All of the seniors had decided that today was the day they weren't going to show up to school. So, Cynthia had no one: Steve and Eddie were gone while Nancy and Jonathan were both sick. Like, very sick. Cynthia knew it was because they were the ones who were swapping spit. As she got to the car, she heard a car's horn through her headphones. She took off her headphones and turned around.

In front of her eyes there was a van with the window rolled down with Eddie Munson smiling at her.

"Get in, Smart-Ass," Eddie smiled at her. "I'm breaking you out of this hellhole."

Cynthia grabbed her bag from her car, "You don't have to tell me twice."

She got into the passenger side of Eddie's van, and he took off like a madman. Cynthia had to grab onto the 'oh shit' handle more than a few times. Her eyes widened. She couldn't believe that she had just gotten in Eddie Munson's van and left school on a whim. If her mother found out, she would probably be dead.

"You look stressed," Eddie looked at her. "Regretting your decision."

"Eyes on the road!" Cynthia exclaimed as Eddie veered towards the middle of the street.

"Relax, we're fine," Eddie said as he drove. "So, you regretting your decision to jump in 'the freak's' van?"

"If we're talking about getting into a van with a person who doesn't know how to drive, absolutely," Cynthia nodded. "If this is how I die, I swear to god, Eddie, I am coming back and haunting your ass." She looked at the road sign. They were leaving Hawkins. "Where are we even going?"

"There's a nice town about 30 minutes away," Eddie told her. "It has the best music shop in the state of Indiana. It has everything you could want."

"I why would you choose 'the loser' to accompany you on your senior skip-day?" Cynthia asked.

"If I get two senior skip-days, it's only fair you do to," Eddie smiled. "Besides, the other boys in my band are on lockdown with their parents."

"So, I'm a last resort."

"Never said that. Besides, I know that you were going to be all alone today."

"Thanks," Cynthia laughed. She rested her head against the headrest. "My mom is going to kill me."

"And why is that?"

"Because I got into a random van of a person she doesn't know, skipped school and the town, and the school is so going to call her."

"I can turn the car back around, Smart-Ass."

"You do that, Hair Band, and I'll be the one killing you.

They drove into the bigger town and made a beeline for the music shop. When Cynthia entered the store, she stopped in her tracks and her eyes widened. Eddie really wasn't kidding; there really was everything you could ever want in there.

"You need a minute, Smart-Ass," Eddie teased.

"Only if you do, Hair Band," Cynthia shot back.

Cynthia followed Eddie around the store. They went through albums. There was so much music, but Cynthia didn't have any money on her. Still, it was a fun thing to do. After that, they looked at the instruments.

"Have you ever held a guitar?" Eddie asked.

"Nope," Cynthia told him.

"Here," Eddie grabbed a guitar off the wall and put it on Cynthia. "Now, you have."

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