Chapter Thirty Seven - Scoops Ahoy

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Cynthia gritted her teeth as she walked into Scoops Ahoy. It was the only place at the mall that had wanted to hire her. Now, she was stuck slinging ice-cream in a sailor's uniform. She was just glad that she was able to pick the shoes she wore. Her red Converse were going to her life-saver. Stupid hat, stupid uniform, stupid, stupid, stupid slogan. She went behind the counter and saw that one of the two people she was suppose to be working with today was already there. Cynthia was pretty sure she recognized the girl from school. She had sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. The girl looked about as thrilled as Cynthia to be in the uniform .

"I'm Cynthia," she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you."

"Robin," the girl said. "Where's the other person that's suppose to be working with us today."

"Not sure," Cynthia told her. She looked at the clock on the wall. "They still have five more minutes until the shift starts."

"Ten bucks says whoever they are doesn't show," Robin said.

"I'll take that bet," Cynthia said.

They watched the clock. It ticked closer and closer to 8:00. Cynthia was getting more and more worried that she was going to lose this bet. Then, at the time of 7:59, the third person of the shift walked in.

Cynthia's jaw dropped, "You have got to be kidding me."

"He looks like a dingus," Robin rolled her eyes.

"Ahoy ladies," Steve Harrington smiled at them. "Let's get ready to work."

"What are you doing here, Steve?" Cynthia asked. "I thought you were suppose to be working at your dad's hardware store this summer."

"Yeah," Steve scratched the back of his neck. "That didn't really work out, so I'm here with you."

"You know this guy?" Robin asked.

"Yep," Cynthia nodded. "We are friends." She looked at Steve in his uniform. "You look ridiculous by the way."

"You're wearing the same exact outfit as me," Steve said.

"I never said I didn't look ridiculous," Cynthia smiled at him.

"Let's go," Robin told them. "There is a lot of work to do today."

Cynthia was glad for the slow morning. Not too many people woke up and were craving ice-cream right away. Cynthia stood behind the counter with Robin while Steve took inventory in the back.

"So, how did you and King Steve become friends?" Robin asked.

"He was at the wrong place at the right time," Cynthia said. "My brother and I needed help with a pest, he happened to be walking by, the rest is history."

"What pest were you dealing with?" Robin asked.

"Frogs," Cynthia lied. "Really, big frogs." Cynthia glanced at the clock. "This day feels like it's been going on forever."

"Agreed," Robin nodded.

"Need something," Steve poked his head out of the back.

"No, dingus," Robin told him. "Go back to taking inventory."

"Are you really going to let her speak to me that way?" Steve asked.

Cynthia looked at Steve, then Robin, then back to Steve, "What do I look like to you? Her mother?"

"Oh god," Steve muttered as he rolled his eyes. He went back to the back.

"We're going to have fun messing with him, aren't we?" Cynthia asked.

"Yep," Robin nodded.

Cynthia looked back out over the counter, "You owe me $10."

"You'll get it after I get my first paycheck," Robin told her.

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