Chapter Eighty Eight - Setting Things Right

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Cynthia didn't know how she managed to pick herself up from the floor and out of Nancy's arms, but she did. Cynthia got up and just started to walk. She was vaguely aware of her friends trying to stop her, but she didn't care. She needed to walk. She needed to get something done. Cynthia walked out of the hospital and made her way to the police station. Luckily, it was close to the hospital. She had to make things right. When she walked into the police station, it was chaos. Officers were running throughout the office sounded stressed and frazzled. Cynthia ignored all of that and walked to the Chief's office. She opened the door and saw him staring at papers on his desk. He didn't even notice that Cynthia was in the room.

"Sheriff Powell," Cynthia said.

He looked up at her, "Cynthia Henderson?" He was completely shocked. "Holy shit, you're here."

"I want Eddie Munson's name cleared," Cynthia cut right to the chase. There was no need to hide why she was there.

"What?" Powell asked her.

"I want Eddie Munson's name cleared," Cynthia sat down across from the man. "Eddie Munson didn't kill those kids, and he didn't hold me hostage. The town just needed someone to blame and Eddie was the easy choice."

"Miss Henderson, I can't just clear his name with no questions asked," Sheriff Powell sighed. "After what just happened, people in this town are scared. They need something to hold onto. Right now, that is the fact that they want Eddie Munson brought to justice."

"He didn't do it!" Cynthia screamed as she slammed her fist against the desk. "I know what this town thinks of him, and I know that everyone believes he was working with the Devil, but he is innocent. If you want someone to blame, fine, I'll give you someone to blame. Blame Jason Carver."

"I can't exactly blame the golden boy of Hawkins," Powell told her. "Besides, no one in this town would turn against him. He's the one who worked everyone up into hunting Mr. Munson."

"You can because you can place motive on every single victim," Cynthia said. "He killed Chrissy because he was jealous that she went to talk to Eddie. He killed Fred because he was always a bully to him. He killed Patrick because he didn't want to kill me or Eddie. He tried to kill Max because one of the boys who turned against him cared about her." She was trying her hardest to get this to turn out the way she wanted. "Sir, I will testify if I have to, just clear Eddie's name. I am begging you."

"Well, that's all well and good, but you're not exactly a reliable witness," Sheriff Powell explained. "You're known to be Mr. Munson's girlfriend. Any judge would think you're protecting him. That's not even to mention no one can find him or that you're still believed to be a hostage."

Cynthia looked down at her hands, "Sheriff, I have been through hell these past few days. I've seen things that only live in nightmares. I've watched the people care about get hurt, I've almost died, and I'm pretty sure my heart is broken beyond repair." She forced herself to look at the man sitting across from her. "Eddie Munson was good and kind and sweet. He was never the monster that this town made him out to be. Just try and clear his name."

"I can't make any promises," the sheriff sighed. "But I will do my best. Also, I need to bring you home. You're technically a missing person, and I need some kind of win today."

"Okay," Cynthia nodded as she wiped the tears off her face. She got up and followed Sheriff Powell to his car.

She got in the back and just let her mind go blank as he drove. It was too much to handle. She just wanted everyone to know that Eddie was innocent. Was that too much to ask? Before she knew it, she was back home. She got out of the car and walked into her house. It was quiet. She walked throughout the entire house. No one was home. She imagined that her mother went to go pick up Dustin at the hospital. Cynthia was thankful that she was alone for once. She went into her room and locked the door. She walked around her and just looked at all the little things around her. There were books, photos, and mementos. She bit her lip when she came to her records. She flipped through them and pulled out Ride the Lightening. God, she never was a fan of metal. Cynthia pulled the record out and starting to play the music. The sound of Metallica made tears well up in her eyes. It was like Eddie was in the room next to her. Cynthia went to her desk and grabbed the letter that Max had written her. She sat down on her bed and pulled out the letter. She didn't open the paper immediately. She had to prepare for a moment. These were probably the last words from Max that she would ever get again. Cynthia pursed her lips and opened the letter.

Dear Cynthia,

When we first met, you told me that if I wanted my life to be normal, I should leave. I told you normal was boring. With all that is happening, I almost wish that I took your advice. Sometimes, I think it would be better to never know that any of this was happening. But, it's like I said, almost. Despite all the crazy shit I've seen and been through, I don't think I would change a thing. I have the party and the Babysitter's Club now. You guys have always looked out for me. Cynthia, you've been the older sister I've never had. You've taken me on dates, given me advice, checked in when you're worried about me, and protected me like I was your own. You've been brave and selfless and have always wanted the best for me. I've been missing that for a while. I'm sorry that I tried to push you away over the course of the school year. I was tired and angry and thought it would be better if I just disappeared. But, no matter what, you never gave up. You kept showing up and checking in on me. The Walkman and mix tapes you got me for Christmas have been the only things that make high school bearable. You've never given up on me. I wish I could go back and allow you to be an actual big sister instead of making you do it from a distance. I wish I could have gone to you for hair and makeup and eating too much junk food while we gossip about stupid shit and boys, but the end is near, and we are out of time. You've always been the best big sister, Cynthia. I'm just glad I was able to be apart of your family for a little while.

Your Basically Little Sister,


Cynthia held the letter to her chest and laid down. The tears were streaming down her face and she was sobbing. She hated the Upside Down. She hated Vecna. She hated that Max was in the hospital. She hated that Eddie was gone. Most of all, she hated that she was still here with her heartbreak. Cynthia couldn't do anything else. All she could do was sob and hold onto Max's letter as the first album Eddie had ever gotten her played in the background. What else could she do, it was the only thing she had left.

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