Chapter Eighteen - Halloween

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Cynthia walked through the hallways. Everyone seemed to be excited for Halloween night. More accurately the parties that would be happening all across town tonight. She found Jonathan and walked through the halls with him. They walked through the doors and someone was handing out flyers for a Halloween party. Jonathan and Cynthia were ignored.

Nancy came up behind them and gave each of them a flyer, "The two of you are coming to this."

"Come and get sheet faced," Jonathan read the flyer. "No, I'm not."

"Count me out too," Cynthia said.

"I can not let the two of you sit all alone on Halloween," Nancy told them. "That's just not acceptable."

"Well, you can relax, I'm not going to be alone," Jonathan said

Cynthia looked at Nancy, "Neither am I."

"And what are your guy's big plans?" Nancy asked.

"I'm going trick-or-treating with Will," Jonathan said.

"And I'm helping my mom pass out Halloween candy to kids," Cynthia told her.

"All night?" Nancy asked. "The both of you."

"Yeah," Jonathan nodded.

"I'm doing it in a costume, so you can't bitch at me," Cynthia flashed a smile.

"No," Nancy shook her head. "No way. Jonathan, you are going to be home by 8:00 listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut. Cynthia, you'll be done handing out candy by 9:00 and watching Return of the Jedi."

"Sounds like a nice night," Jonathan said.

"And how did you know I rented Return of the Jedi?" Cynthia asked.

"It's your favorite movie and you're dressing up as Princess Leia from the final battle," Nancy told her. "It was an easy guess. Guys, come on. I mean, who knows. You might even meet someone."

Steve came up from behind Nancy with sunglasses and lifted her off the ground.

"Oh my god," Nancy laughed. She looked at Steve. "Take those stupid things off."

"I missed you," Steve looked at her.

"It's been like an hour," Nancy rolled her eyes.

Steve had a lovey-dovey smile on his face, "Tell me about it."

Jonathan looked a bit uncomfortable. Cynthia knew that he still had a crush on Nancy.

Cynthia bit her lip and let out a sigh, "I'll go to the party, Nancy."

"Really?" Nancy asked.

Both Steve and Jonathan looked at her confused.

"My night does sound a bit pathetic, so what the hell," Cynthia smiled. "I'll come to the party, attempt to have a good time, and make sure you and Steve don't get completely shit faced."

"You are coming around, Cynthia," Steve joked with her. "Next, you'll be trying out for the cheer squad."

"Let's not push it," Cynthia held corrected. "I'll go to the Halloween party tomorrow. Don't expect anything else."

"You're doing more than I thought you would, so I'm already pleasantly surprised," Nancy told her.

The rest of the day and the entire next one flew by. Everyone was getting ready for Halloween. Cynthia pretty much just avoided everyone and tried to prepare herself for the party. Luckily, her mother had already gotten pictures of Dustin, so Cynthia was safe from the picture frenzy. The flyer said that the party started around 7:00, but Cynthia knew she could pretty much show up whenever: the party wasn't going to stop.

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