Chapter Sixty Nine - Decisions

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Cynthia raced home from school. Dustin was in the passenger side holding onto the 'oh shit' handle.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Dustin squealed as they came to the stop sign.

Cynthia slammed on the brakes, "I am stopping. You need to stop being such a wimp." She glanced at Dustin before starting to drive. "You've faced interdimensional monsters. My driving is the least of your worries."

"The monsters from the Upside Down would be a quick a death," Dustin looked sick. "The heart attack I get from this will be slow and painful."

"Look, you'll understand when it's time for you to get your college acceptance letters," Cynthia said as she drove home. "I've been waiting for months. I just want to know whether or not I've gotten into the schools I want to."

"You will," Dustin said as she drove. His voice raised a pitch as Cynthia took a quick turn into their driveway. "You're really smart, Cynthia. You're going to get into the colleges you want to."

"You don't know that," Cynthia said as she parked the car. She ran out of the car and to the mailbox. She was glad to see that there were three letters from the school's she cared most about: Purdue University, Indiana University, and Ball State. She ran into the kitchen and instantly dialed Nancy's number. It rang once, twice, then someone picked up.

"Did they come?" Cynthia asked her.

"Of course they did," Nancy said. "I've got my letters from Purdue, Emerson, and IU."

"We'll open them independently and call each other when we get into our top schools," Cynthia said. "Does that sound like a good plan."

"It's a good of plan as any," Nancy said. "I'll call you back in a few minutes."

"Okay," Cynthia said as she hung up the phone.

Cynthia looked at the letters in front of her. She took a breath and opened the one from Ball State first. It was the one she had cared least about. She smiled when she saw that she was accepted. She knew that she was going to get accepted: this was her safety school after all. She grabbed the letter from IU. She was vaguely aware that Dustin was in the room with her. She opened it and saw that she was accepted. It made her feel better that she had gotten into her second choice school. Cynthia stared at the letter from Purdue. She took a breath before grabbing the letter. Cynthia carefully opened the letter. She carefully took the folded letter out. She closed her eyes as she opened the letter. She counted to three and opened her eyes.

"OH MY GOD!" Cynthia screamed. She looked at her brother. "I GOT IN!" She was jumping up and down with joy. "I GOT IN!"

Dustin wrapped her arms around Cynthia and started to jump with her, "YOU DID IT! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!"

Cynthia wrapped her arms around her brother, "I'm getting out of here!"

The siblings kept their arms wrapped around each other and jumping until Cynthia heard the phone ring. She let her brother go and ran to answer it.

"I GOT IN!" both Nancy and Cynthia yelled at each other.

"We did it!" Cynthia said. "We got into our top schools."

"I'm going to Emerson!" Nancy squealed. "Oh my gosh, I'm going to Emerson!"

"You're going to Boston!" Cynthia said. "I'm so proud of you!"

"And you got into Purdue!" Nancy said. "That's all you've ever wanted. I'm so glad you've gotten what you've wanted."

"You deserve it Nancy," Cynthia said as she smiled. "You've earned it. I'm going to get off the phone and call Robin. I'm curious where she got into."

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