Chapter Eighty Three - A Plan

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"Shit! Shit! Shit!" Cynthia cursed as she ran to Eddie's room. Everyone followed her. Cynthia ran to the cupboard where Eddie kept all of his music and started to sort through it. "Eddie, where's the music I made you?!" Cynthia frantically dug through the pile.

"In the van," Eddie screeched as he dug through the containers.


Everyone started to look through Eddie's music. The only thing that would fit in Max's walkman was Eddie's heavy metal music. Cynthia knew that none of it would break Nancy of the curse. Cynthia wasn't even sure if Nancy knew what metal music was.

"Steve says you need to hurry!" Dustin said as he ran into the room.

"Yeah?" Erica said as she turned to him. "No shit!"

"We're trying," Max said. "We can't find anything."

"What is all this shit?" Robin said as she looked helplessly at the pile of tapes in front of her.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie asked.

"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles?" Robin frantically rambled. Music! We need music!"

Eddie grabbed an Iron Maiden tape, "This is music!"

"Just shut up and keep looking!" Cynthia snapped.

Cynthia locked in on the music. She just wished that there was something in there that could help Nancy. She was broken out of her stupor when she heard a chorus of "shits". She turned around and saw Steve and Nancy in the room. Nancy looked traumatized. Cynthia let out a sigh of relief and got up and hugged Nancy.

"I thought I lost you, Nancy Drew," Cynthia relaxed against her. She pulled back when she didn't feel Nancy return the hug. Nancy had a stare that was a million miles away. She placed one hand on Nancy's cheek. "Hey, come back, Nancy. What happened?"

"Terrible things," Nancy managed to get out. "I can't... not here."

"Okay," Cynthia nodded. She looked over her shoulder. "Hey, Max, is your mom home?"

"She shouldn't be," Max said. "Why?"

Cynthia and Steve managed to get everyone herded over to Max's trailer. They all tried to look as nonsuspicious as possible, but they still moved quickly. They didn't want any to recognize Eddie or Cynthia. When they got into the trailer, they looked to Nancy for an explanation. Nancy was still stunned; she didn't say anything.

"Nancy, please tell us what happened?" Cynthia said.

"Yeah," Steve nodded. "That was horrible."

"It's Vecna," Nancy said. She wasn't looking at any of them. "Vecna was... is Henry Creel. He's the one who killed his family."

"Holy shit," Robin's voice was quiet.

"But, that's not just all," Nancy continued. "He was number One. He was the first at the Hawkins lab. He's just like Eleven."

"Oh my god," Cynthia buried her face in her hands. This was much worse than she imaged.

"Maybe we should try calling Will," Dustin said.

"Good call," Lucas said.

Cynthia looked over and saw that Max was starting to ring up the Byer's household.

"He showed me things that haven't happened yet," Nancy said. She sounded absolutely terrifying. "The most awful things. I saw a dark cloud spreading over Hawkins. Downtown on fire. Dead soldiers. And this giant creature with a gaping mouth. And this creature wasn't alone. There were so many monsters. An army. And they were coming into Hawkins. Into our neighborhoods. Our homes." Images of demogorgons and demodogs flashed through Cynthia's mind. They had barely beaten those things when there was a limited number. There was no way that they could defeat an army. "And then... He showed me my mom. And Holly. Mike. And they... They were all..."

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