Chapter Seventy - A Life Changing Day

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Cynthia curled up against Eddie's side as they slept. It was cold in the trailer, but Eddie offered a spot of warmth. The school's pipes had burst on Friday night, and they were still cleaning up the aftermath. That meant they had a day off and could sleep in. Cynthia opened her eyes as the sun peaked through Eddie's curtains. She glanced over at the clock. It was 12:30. She stared at Eddie as he slept. His hair was wild. She ran her fingers over his bare chest and traced over his tattoos. Cynthia smiled as he softly snored. She didn't get to see this too often: Eddie was almost always awake before her. Eddie's brown doe-eyes fluttered open and made their way to her face.

"Morning, Smart-Ass," Eddie yawned.

"Morning, Hair Band," Cynthia said as she smiled.

"Why do you look so happy?" Eddie asked as he turned to his side and propped himself up on his elbow. He started to brush stray strands of her hair back.

"I just am," Cynthia said as she rested her head on the pillow. "I'm just really, really happy."

"I'm glad you're happy," Eddie smiled at her. "I like seeing you like this."

"Naked?" Cynthia giggled.

"Content," Eddie said. "By my side. But, yes, also naked." He kissed her. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

"Me too," Cynthia said as she snuggled closer to him.

"One day I'll marry you, and we can have this as close to forever as we can," Eddie murmured.

Cynthia ran her fingers up and down his bare arm, "I would marry you today if you asked me."

Eddie sat straight up and looked down at Cynthia, "Are you serious?"

Cynthia sat up, so she could look Eddie in the eyes. She cupped his cheek, "I love you, Eddie Munson. I know you're the person I'm suppose to spend the rest of my life with."

Eddie put his hand over hers, "You would really marry me today if you could."

"We can," Cynthia said. "All you need is to get a judge to sign off on a marriage license in the county where you reside." Cynthia scooted closer to Eddie. "All I ask is that you ask me properly."

"All right," Eddie smiled. He pulled his hand away from Cynthia's face and took one of the ring's off his fingers. He held it out to Cynthia. "Cynthia Evelyn Henderson, will you marry me?"

"Of course I will," Cynthia leaned forward and kissed him. As soon as she pulled away, Eddie slipped the ring on her finger. It was too big and slipped off.

"I'm sorry it doesn't fit," Eddie said.

"I like it like this," Cynthia said as she took her necklace pick off. She took the ring from Eddie's hands and placed it on the chain before putting the necklace back on. "Besides, I like this better. I know I'll never lose it."

"Get dressed and get ready to go the courthouse," Eddie said as he climbed out of bed. "We're getting married today."

It took about thirty minutes for the pair to get out the door. There was clothes to be changed into and breakfast to be had. It didn't help that every time they looked at each Cynthia would blush like a mad woman from Eddie's gaze. It nearly melted Cynthia into a puddle. But, they got out of the door and to Eddie's van. They drove off to the court house in a comfortable, excited silence. Cynthia kept her hand on the ring that now hung around her neck. It was the familiar coolness that she had always welcomed. Eddie was playing something on the radio, but Cynthia couldn't even register it. Blood was pounding in her ears. She was so excited and happy that nothing else seemed to matter. They pulled up to the courthouse and headed inside. Cynthia lead the way to the Clerk's Office.

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