Chapter Thirty Nine - The Worse Dinner Ever

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This chapter contains some pretty heavy subject matter of family trauma, past abuse, domestic violence, etc. If this or anything like this, please do not read this chapter. Protect your mental health readers. Please remember that you are not alone.

Cynthia sat at the end of table opposite from her mother. Steve sat to her left while Nancy and Jonathan were on her right. Cynthia was glad that her friends were there with her. She wasn't so glad that it was her mother who invited them: not her. Cynthia just looked down at her food. Whatever her mother was planning tonight, Cynthia didn't like it. It gave her a bad feeling in her stomach. She honestly ignored most of what her mother was saying. It was all directed at Steve, Nancy, and Jonathan. She looked up when she heard her name.

"Cynthia has just been so busy," her mom said. "It's like I don't even see her anymore." She looked between the table at Cynthia's friends. "I'm so glad all of you could make it tonight. It makes the house feel less empty."

"Everyone has been super busy, Mom," Cynthia said.

"True," Steve nodded his head while he gathered some pasta on his fork. "It's like I never stop working nowadays."

"Jonathan and I are the same way," Nancy stepped in. "But, it's definitely worth it." She looked at Jonathan. "Right."

"Absolutely," Jonathan took the hint and nodded. "Nancy and I are getting tons of experience in the world of journalism. I think Nancy is going to be writing for the New York Times one day."

"If our bosses stop making me go get their coffee," Nancy raised her eyebrows.

"They just know that if they had you writing, they'd be out of a job within a week," Cynthia tried to make her feel better.

"What is it like working with each other?" Cynthia's mom asked Nancy and Jonathan. "It must be so nice to get to see each other everyday."

Cynthia clenched her jaw, but didn't say anything. She hoped that this conversation was not going where she thought it was going.

"It's really nice, Mrs. Henderson," Jonathan said. "It's great to spend a lot of time with her. Especially since I know we probably wouldn't be able to if we were working different jobs."

"Agreed," Nancy said. She glanced over at Cynthia. "But, I definitely do not think that it would work for everyone. Some people need their space."

"And what about you, Steve?" Mrs. Henderson turned her attention to him. "Have any ladies caught your eye?"

"No," Steve told her. "But, I still have the rest of the summer. I'm sure that someone will come my way eventually."

"Totally," Cynthia nodded. "Any one of Hawkins bachelorettes would be lucky to date you." She really tried to emphasize the world bachelorette.

"You know," Cynthia's mom picked up her glass of water. "I always told Cynthia that she needed to snatch you up."

"Mom," Cynthia put down her fork. "How many times do I have to tell you, Steve and I are just friends."

"I know," her mom tried to brush her off. "I'm just saying that the two of you would make such a cute couple."

"I can't see it," Steve tried to interject. He looked at Nancy and Jonathan. "How about you guys?"

"No," Nancy said while shaking her head.

At the same time, Jonathan said, "Absolutely not."

"See," Cynthia raised her eyebrow at her mother. "Everyone thinks it would be a terrible idea."

"I'm just saying..." her mother tried to start.

"At this point it doesn't matter, right guys?" Cynthia tried to keep her tone light and cheery. "I have a boyfriend, you two are happy, and Steve is Hawkins most eligible bachelor. Everyone is happy."

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