Chapter Fifty Two - Amends

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Cynthia laid in bed with her back pressed against Eddie's chest. He was propping his head up with one hand and the other was draped against Cynthia's clothed middle. She was so glad that Eddie was so understanding of her touch limitations. She hoped that it wouldn't be this way forever. However, ever since that day he had found her (the day where she almost told him about her father), questions had been lingering on her mind. Why didn't she just tell him? Why couldn't she tell him? Did it bother him that she didn't talk to him? The questions just kept circling in her mind.

"What's on your mind, Smart-Ass?" Eddie asked as he looked down at her. His hair was tied back, so there would be no unexpected brushes from the strands.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Hair Band," Cynthia kept looking at the wall.

"I can always tell when you're thinking about something serious," Eddie said. "Talk to me."

"Fine," Cynthia sighed. "Does it bother you that I don't come to and talk to you when I have nightmares?"

"Not really," Eddie said. "I just want to help you. If that means taking a step back, I'm okay with that."

"Do you wonder what my nightmares are about?" Cynthia asked.

"Of course," Eddie was honest with her. "I think anyone would want to know why the love of their life wakes up screaming in the middle of the night."

"They're about my dad a lot of times," Cynthia told him. She felt Eddie shift nervously behind her.

"You don't have to get into that, if you don't want to," Eddie reassured her.

She had never told Eddie much about her father. All of those conversations usually just ended with Cynthia saying he was a dick. She never gave more than that. She was always grateful that Eddie never asked.

"It's okay," Cynthia told him. "You deserve to know. I know you know that my dad was a dick, but I never told you the full story. He use to hit me and my mom. When my dad found my diary and figured out I like girls, he beat me near half to death. That was the wake up call Mom needed to get a restraining order and as far away from him as possible. It's been years since I've seen him but in my dreams, he still beats me."

It wasn't the full truth, but it was close enough. Cynthia couldn't, wouldn't, get Eddie mixed up in all the Upside Down nonsense.

"Jesus H. Christ," Eddie said. Cynthia could hear him grinding his teeth. "I'm so sorry, Cynthia."

"Don't be sorry," Cynthia said. "It doesn't change what happened, and honestly, it doesn't matter at this point."

"Can I kiss you?" Eddie asked.

Cynthia turned over so she was facing Eddie, "Of course."

Eddie kissed her lips softly. She smiled at the gentle touch. It was safe and warm and comforting. Everything that she had ever wanted.

Eddie pulled away and pushed back a strand of her hair, "Does it bother you that I don't talk about my parents?"

"No," Cynthia told him. "I know what it's like to not want to talk about it."

"My mom died when I was little," Eddie said. "I don't remember her. I lived with my dad for a few years until he got thrown into prison for armed robbery. Now, I'm here with Wayne in the trailer park hoping I won't live up to the Munson name."

"You'll make it a name worth living up to," Cynthia smiled as she kissed him on the lips.

"I love the faith you have in me, Smart-Ass," Eddie smiled at her.

"I love that you put up with my shit, Hair Band," Cynthia teased.

"You're ridiculous," Eddie laughed. "Can I kiss you again?"

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