Chapter Fourteen - Christmas

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Cynthia turned down her music as she pulled into the Wheeler's driveway. She parked next to Jonathan's car. He was already inside. Cynthia got out. She grabbed the wrapped packages for her friends and Steve and went to the front door. She knocked on the door and Mrs. Wheeler answered.

"Come in, Cynthia," Mrs. Wheeler smiled at her. "The boys are finishing up their game. Jonathan, Nancy, and Steve are all inside."

"Thank you," Cynthia went inside.

Jonathan was already heading out the door when Cynthia was coming in. He had a wrapped gift in his hands all ready.

"All ready leaving, Jonny Boy," Cynthia teased. "And before I even have the chance to give you your present."

"Mom wants us home," Jonathan laughed. "But you can still give me that present."

"Here," Cynthia put it on top of his other package. "It's part of a set." She pulled at the chain around her neck, but didn't show him the charm on the necklace.

"I can't wait to open it," Jonathan said. He looked back at his brother. "Let's go, Will."

"See you around, Will," Cynthia bid goodbye to the brothers. "See you sometime soon, Jonathan."

Cynthia walked towards the basement steps, "Come on, Dustin!"

"Be right there," he called up from the basement.

She walked into the living room and saw Nancy and Steve sitting on the couch.

"Just the people I want to see," Cynthia threw the packages at them. "Merry Christmas."

"Cynthia, you didn't have to get me anything," Nancy said.

"I'm surprised that I got something," Steve said.

They both started to unwrap their gifts.

"Nancy, I know you got me something, so I have to return the favor," Cynthia laughed. "And Steve, you'll understand why you got something when you see what it is."

"Dog tags?" Steve asked as he pulled out his tags.

"Look on the other side," Nancy laughed as she put hers on. She looked at Cynthia. "I love it."

"I thought us older kids needed something to remember our small little team," Cynthia smiled. She pulled out her necklace. "I painted them myself. And they're coated in resin so the paint won't chip."

"That's really cool, Cynthia," Steve said. "I'm glad that I got the nail bat." He looked at Nancy's necklace. "And she's got a gun. The gun that she threatened me with."

"It's what she used to help fight the thing," Cynthia smiled. "You got the bat, I got the blade, and Jonathan got the camera. It's something I thought we all could appreciate."

"We do," Nancy smiled. She got up and grabbed a wrapped package. "And you are right, I did get something for you." She handed it to Cynthia.

Cynthia took the gift and unwrapped it. She smiled when she saw it. It was a leatherbound journal. She opened it up. There was a message from Nancy on the inside.


I'm sorry I made you feel like you had to push me away when we were younger, but I'm glad that we found our way back to each other. You really are amazing. I know that you are going to be one of the great writers and artists of our time. Use this notebook to help make this dream a reality. If anyone can do it, it would be you.

Your friend, Nancy

"Thanks, Nance," Cynthia looked at her. "I really love." She hugged Nancy.

"You ready to go?" Dustin asked as he peaked his head into the living room.

Cynthia turned towards the door, "Get to the car." She looked back at Nancy and Steve. "I'll see you later, Nancy. Steve, have a good holiday season."

She walked out the door. Dustin was sitting in the passenger seat. Cynthia got in the car and started the engine. Then, she started the music.

"Do you always have to blare the music?" Dustin screamed over the music.

Cynthia turned it down, "I have no idea what you are talking about." She smiled at her brother. "You ready for tomorrow?"

"You mean an entire day of opening presents, eating junk, and watching Star Wars," Dustin said. "Of course I'm ready for that!"

"Good," Cynthia smiled. "Because I think that you're really going to like what I got you this year."

"You're going to like what I got you," Dustin smiled at her. "Guaranteed to be the best present that you are ever going to get."

"Really?" Cynthia asked. "The best present I am ever going to get. Like in my entire life?"

"Like in your entire life."

The siblings laughed and drove the rest of the way home. When they got there, their mom was already sleeping. Cynthia was glad that her mom had the day off for Christmas and agreed to do whatever they wanted for the day. It was going to be a good time. Dustin went to his room and shut the door. She assumed that he was either going to bed or reading comic books. Either way, Cynthia knew that he wasn't going to be coming out of his room for the rest of the night.

Cynthia went to her room and changed into some comfy sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. She went to the window and stared out of it. She saw the stars and she smiled. It had been too long since she had time to look at the stars. She grabbed the new notebook that Nancy had gotten her and started to think about what she was going to write or draw in the pages. She took one of her pieces of charcoal and started to make some marks on the page. She let the charcoal guide her drawing. Soon, something started to take shape. Three figures seemed to be staring over something.

Then, Cynthia figured out what this first page would be.

She filled in some details on the page. The figures became more distinct. They were standing over a bike. One of the figures was wearing a hat. There was light within the darkness of the page. It was Dustin, Mike, and Lucas standing over Will's bike. It wasn't exactly what had happened, but the message that it portrayed was clear and concise. Cynthia smiled. Cynthia knew it was this book would be filled with.

That week in November was hell. It was probably one of the worst weeks in Cynthia's entire life. But, there were some good things that came out of the week. Regardless of what had happened, it needed to be remembered. It needed to be recorded. It would take a while to get all the information needed to tell the story, but she had time and the patience to do it.

Some stories needed to be told. And some people needed the chance to see themselves become heroes.

A story about three nerdy boys who wanted to save their friend and the mystery that ensued seemed like the perfect one to tell.

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