Chapter Thirty One - Sunset

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Cynthia laid on her stomach and smiled as she watched Nancy get ready for her date with Jonathan. She was going through her closet looking for something to wear. She smiled at her friends worry.

"You realize that Jonathan is not going to care what you wear right?" Cynthia asked. "He has literally seen you hunt down monsters like it's no problem."

"I still want to seem presentable," Nancy looked back at her. "Are you going to help me or not?"

"Wear the nice blue dress you have," Cynthia said. "It always brings out your eyes."

"Thank you," Nancy said as she grabbed the dress. "It's nice to see you being helpful in this sector."

Cynthia smiled at Nancy, "Fighting monsters is easy. Feelings, not so much."

Nancy put on her dress, "You just say that because you've never had feelings for anyone."

"Romance is over rated anyway," Cynthia told her. "What has it done for anyone?"

Nancy looked at her, "It's done a lot for a lot of people."

"Maybe we just have shitty love role models," Cynthia said as she got up. "Sit down, and I'll help you do your hair."

"You never want to do my hair," Nancy said as she looked at Cynthia through the mirror.

"I'm feeling very nice today," Cynthia said as she started to put braids into Nancy's hair.

"Do you have any plans tonight?"

"I'm going to Lovers Lake and draw the sunset. I have a whole bunch of colored pencils in my car, and I'm so excited to try this out. It's something I've always wanted to do. There's just never been a good time."

"You'll have to show me the drawing when you're all done. I want to see how you see a sunset."

"Where are you and Jonathan going on your date tonight?"

"We're going to the movies and then ice-cream."

"Nice and classic," Cynthia smiled. "Good to see my friend is treating you right."

Nancy blushed, "He really is a great guy."

"All done," Cynthia stepped away. They heard a honk from the driveway. "And it looks like we got done right on time."

They walked down the stairs and out the door. They saw Jonathan standing outside his car that was parked next to Cynthia's. He walked up to Nancy, pulled her into a hug, and gave her a kiss.

"Make sure you get her home at a reasonable time tonight," Cynthia teased them.

"Will do," Jonathan gave her a fake salute.

"Have fun," Cynthia said as she got into her car.

"We will," Nancy smiled at her. "Thanks for helping me get ready."

"Anything for you, Nancy Drew."

Cynthia pulled out of the driveway. She started playing ABBA's Voulez-Vous album and rolled down her windows. The March air was just warm enough for her to be comfortable in her jean jacket. She drove down to Lovers Lake. She pulled her car to a nice grassed area that gave her a beautiful view of the sunset. The warm light was reflecting on the lake. It bathed the world in a beautiful, golden light. Cynthia smiled at the sight: it was so warm.

She grabbed her sketchbook and colored pencils. Cynthia got out of the car and sat on the hood of her car. Cynthia grabbed a random cassette from her bag. She put the cassette into her Walkman, put on her headphones, and pressed play. Her world was now to the tune of Abbey Road. She made sure her pencil case wasn't going to fall off the hood of the car. Cynthia turned to a blank page in her sketchbook. She turned the book so it was horizontal. Cynthia looked down at the page and started to sketch the landscape. After a quick sketch of the landscape, she grabbed her colored pencils and started to add life to the white page.

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