Chapter Thirty Four - Last Day of School

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"Any plans for tonight?" Jonathan asked as him and Cynthia cleared out their lockers.

"I'm finally going over to Eddie's house after school," Cynthia said as she threw some things into the trash. "I'm trailing him there. How about you and Nancy?"

"We're just having a night in at her house," Jonathan said. "Her parents are finally letting us hang out in the basement by yourselves."

"All by yourselves," Cynthia raised an eyebrow. "Any bow-chicka-bow-wow going to be happening?"

"First of all, why do you have to do that weird shoulder shimmy thing when you say bow-chicka-bow-wow?" Jonathan tried to deflect the question. "Second, you'll never know."

"Well, I do the shoulder shimmy thing because it's fun to fuck with you," Cynthia closed her locker door. "And, I will know."

"How?" Jonathan asked her.

"You don't understand how girls work, Jonny, you just don't," Cynthia teased. "We tell each other everything, and I mean everything. Hope you're not wearing your comic book underwear tonight."

Jonathan's jaw just dropped. Cynthia walked away chuckling to herself. The school year was over. It was finally time for summer to reign. All she had to do now was find Eddie, so she could follow him to his trailer.

"Have you seen, Jonathan?" Nancy asked as she walked up Cynthia.

"By his locker," Cynthia told her. "I am also so sorry for the lecture you're about to get. Bye." She walked off quickly.

"What did you do, Cynthia?" Nancy called after her.

Cynthia looked over her shoulder, "You'll find out soon enough, Nancy Drew."

Cynthia made her way over to the senior hallway. Steve was walking out of the hall as she was entering it.

"Don't look so sad, Steve," Cynthia said. "You're going to a luxury lake cabin for a week."

"Yeah, just a week of being with my family who all hates each other," Steve rolled his eyes.

"It's just one week," Cynthia reassured him. "You'll get through it. You've faced worse stuff than a shitty family."

"You're getting slightly better at your pep talks," Steve patted her shoulder. "See you when I get back."

"See ya," Cynthia said as they walked opposite directions.

Cynthia continued to make her way down the senior hall. After a few more moments, Eddie's locker came into sight. He seemed to be dumping mass amounts of paper into the trashcan.

"Hair Band, I'm pretty sure you have an entire dead forest in your locker," Cynthia leaned up on the locker next to his.

"Thank you for the help, Smart-Ass," Eddie rolled his eyes as he continued to shovel paper out of his locker.

"Why is there so much paper in your locker anyways?" Cynthia asked.

"It's from all the DND campaigns throughout the year," Eddie explained. "It's all the stories, maps, and other extra things I have to make as Dungeon Master. It just piles up after a while."

"Clearly," Cynthia raised an eyebrow.

"But, it's all done," Eddie smiled as he closed the locker. He threw his arm around Cynthia's shoulders. "Let's head to my house, Smart-Ass."

"Lead the way, Hair Band," Cynthia followed him.

They walked through the hallways. It was clear that both of them were ready to be done with the school year. As they walked out to their cars, Cynthia could hear some taunts of freak and loser, but she honestly didn't care. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time she gave a shit about the names people had called her. She could feel Eddie tense as the insults were thrown.

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