Chapter Twenty Five - The Plan

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Cynthia sheathed her blade. She looked over and saw that Steve looked confused. Both her and Jonathan pulled him aside.

"Who's that, and why can she do that?" Steve asked.

"Her name is Eleven," Cynthia explained. "She was experimented on at the Hawkins Lab, and she has super powers."

"She helped us last year," Jonathan explained. "She basically killed the monster we fought. We all thought she was dead."

"Cool," Steve nodded. "Cool, cool, cool."

Cynthia could tell that he was freaking out a little bit, but she didn't care. She walked up to Eleven. She was finishing up catching up with the kids.

"Hey, kid," Cynthia smiled at her. "I'm glad to see you're okay."

"Okay," Eleven smiled and nodded at her.

"I like what you've done with your hair," Cynthia told her. "It's very you."

Eleven ran her hand over her hair, "Bitchin."

Cynthia nodded, "Bitchin."

Hopper and Joyce went to Eleven. The adults clearly had a plan.

"You opened this gate before right?" Hopper asked.

"Yes," Eleven nodded.

"Do you think if we got you back there, that you could close it?" Hopper asked her.

Everyone gathered together to make their plan. They needed this to work. They needed to close the gate and kill the Mind Flayer. Eleven was the only way that they were going to be able to do that.

"It's not like it was before," Hopper explained to Eleven. "It's grown, a lot. And, I mean, that's considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs."

"Demo-dogs," Dustin corrected.

Hopper just looked at him, "I'm sorry, what?"

"I said, uh, Demo-dogs," Dustin started to stutter. "Like Demogorgon and dogs. You put them together." He started to pause. "It sounds pretty badass..."

"Not the right time, Dustin," Cynthia whispered.

"How is this important right now?" Hopper asked him.

"It's not," Dustin looked down. "I'm sorry."

"I can do it," Eleven told them.

"You're not hearing me," Hopper told her.

"I'm hearing you," Eleven looked at him. "I can do it."

"Even if El can, there's still another problem," Mike said. "If the brain dies, the body dies."

"I thought that was the whole point," Nancy said.

"It is, but if we're really right about this..." Mike looked nervous. "I mean, if El closes the gate and kills the mind flayer's army..."

"Will's a part of that army," Lucas said.

"Closing the gate will kill him," Dustin said.

"He likes it cold," Joyce muttered to herself.

"What?" Hopper looked at her.

"It's what Will kept saying to me," Joyce explained. "He likes it cold. We keep giving it what it wants. If this is a virus, and Will's the host, then we need to make the host uninhabitable."

"So if he likes it cold," Nancy said. "We need to burn it out of him."

"We have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time," Joyce said.

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