Chapter Fifty Six - Off to California

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Cynthia took a deep breath as she helped Joyce take some boxes out to the car. It was taking literally all of her strength to keep herself together. She didn't want to see any of them go. All she wanted was for them to stay in Hawkins, but she understand why Joyce wanted a new start for the family.

"Where do you want this box?" Cynthia asked as they got to the car.

Joyce patted the last opened spot in the trunk, "Right here, Cynthia."

Cynthia put the box where she was told. Cynthia was biting the inside of her lip to keep herself from crying.

"Hey," Joyce wrapped her arms around her. "It's okay. It's going to be okay. The boys will come out here, and you are always welcomed in my home, Cynthia." Joyce pulled away to look at Cynthia. "It's all going to work out."

"I know, Joyce," Cynthia nodded as she held back tears. "I'm just sad to see you all go."

Joyce just offered her a sad smile. Cynthia stepped back from Joyce as all the kids were coming outside. Everyone was hugging each other goodbye.

Cynthia walked up to Will and gave him a big hug, "Keep being an artist, kid. You've got a talent that most people would kill for."

"I will," Will promised her as he hugged her back.

Cynthia pulled away from the hug and looked Will in the eyes, "Promise me that you'll keep an eye on Jonathan. He's always more worried about you and your mom than himself."

"I promise," Will nodded. "Don't worry about him, Cynthia."

"That's impossible my friend," Cynthia said as she walked over to El. She gave El a hug. "You're going to take California by storm, I know it. The west coast won't know what hit them."

"Hit them?" El asked with her brows furrowed. There were still some tears in the girl's eye.

"It just means you're going to do a lot of great things there," Cynthia smiled down at her. She gave El another hug. "You're going to love having Will and Jon as brothers and Joyce as a mom. They're an amazing family."

El looked up at her and nodded with a small smile, "Family."

Cynthia took a deep breath as she walked over to Jonathan. Nancy was walking towards her as Cynthia walked over to Jonathan. Nancy didn't say anything; she just offered a supportive smile.

"So," Cynthia said as she planted herself in front of Jonathan. "The dynamic duo won't get to spend their senior year together."

"And I'm guessing your Batman?" Jonathan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No way I could pull of Robin's spanks," Cynthia joked. She took a breath and looked down. The tears were threatening to spill out. "I'm really going to miss you, Jonathan." She gathered herself and looked at him. "You've been my best friend for so long, I don't want to know what I'm like without you."

"Come here," Jonathan pulled her into a hug. "You're going to be the same amazing person you've always been. You're always going to play your music way too long. You're always going to be a huge Star Wars nerd. You're always going to be the best friend a person could ask for."

Cynthia hugged him tighter, "Don't forget about me in California. Make sure to write and call."

"You must be crazy if you think I could forget you," Jonathan smiled as he pulled away. "You've been at the core of some of my best and worst memories ever. Look, we're always going to be best friends. Besides, you've got Steve and Nancy and Robin and even Eddie to look after you now."

"And who's going to look after you?" Cynthia asked. "That's always been my job."

"I'm sure I'll figure out a way to manage," Jonathan tried to comfort her.

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