Chapter Nineteen - The Next Day

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Cynthia opened her eyes and shot straight up. She looked at the clock.

"Shit!" she exclaimed. She ran to the closet and opened it. Then, she realized where she was. "Double shit!"

"You're finally awake," Nancy walked into her room. She threw some clothes at Cynthia. "You left these here the last time you stayed over."

"Thank you," Cynthia started to take off her costume and put on real clothes. She took a minute and looked up at Nancy. "Why are you here?"

"Steve didn't come and pick me up this morning," Nancy said.

"I'm your ride," Cynthia said.

"Apparently," Nancy paused for a moment. "Why did you stay the night."

Cynthia pulled up her pants, "Because Nancy, you were so drunk, I was worried you were going to choke on your own vomit. You are one of my two almost three friends. No way I'm going to let you die." She started to walk out the door. "Thank goodness I left my backpack in my car."

Nancy and Cynthia went to Cynthia's car and started to make their way to school.

"So, any reason why Steve didn't pick you up?" Cynthia asked.

"I can't remember," Nancy said.

"You are never drinking alcohol again, Nancy Drew."

"I couldn't have been that bad."

"Yeah, you were," Cynthia glanced at her. "Jonathan and had to drag your ass out of that house to get you to our cars. Then, Jonathan had to carry you up the stairs, and we can't forget the entire part about me staying the night. Now, both of us are late and missing first period."

"Thank you for coming to the party and taking care of me," Nancy said.

"You're my friend. That's what I'm here for. However, there is no way that I am going to another party. Especially, if you're drinking."

"Did you at least have fun?"

"Not really. I couldn't find you or Steve, Jonathan didn't show until later, and I'm 90% sure that new kid Billy Hargrove was trying to get into my pants."

Nancy's jaw dropped, "Did anything happen?"

"No!" Cynthia rolled her eyes. "Hell no! I'm not going to sleep with the new boy toy of the school that all of the other girls are throwing themselves at. That's how you catch something."

Nancy just laughed at her. They made it to the school in record time. They got out of the car and prayed that no one would say anything to them.

"Are you going to need a ride home?" Cynthia asked as they walked into the school.

"I don't know. I need to talk to Steve," Nancy told her. "Will you wait for me by the bulletin board?"

"Of course. Just know, my car has been having some trouble starting, so we might have to call in reinforcements," Cynthia nodded. "Other than that, I hope that your talk goes well."

The day went by quickly for Cynthia. During her 7th period, she was able to talk to her first hour teacher. Thankfully, she didn't miss anything. It was just reading some new chapters in the book that class was learning about. It was a good thing that Cynthia always read ahead. By the time 7th hour was over, Cynthia went to the bulletin board and waited.

Jonathan stopped by when he saw her standing there, "Where were you this morning?"

"I didn't have my alarm since I was at Nancy's house," Cynthia said. "I overslept."

"That's good," Jonathan nodded. "I was worried." He looked out the front doors. "I need to head home."

"Okay," Cynthia nodded. "I'm just waiting for Nancy to see if she needs a ride home."

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