Chapter Fifty Three - Modeling

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"I'm heading out, Mom," Cynthia said as she started out the door.

"Have fun," her mother replied.

Cynthia ran to her car and hopped into the driver seat. Her bag with her art supplies was thrown onto the other seat. She started up her car and raced out the driveway. After all the time she had been dating Eddie, he was finally going to let her draw him. She drove through the town and to Eddie's trailer. When she got there, she just went straight into the house. She walked in and saw Eddie laying on his bed listening to some music and reading The Hobbit.

Eddie turned and looked at her, "You're early, Smart-Ass. Do you really want me to model that badly for you?"

"Absolutely," Cynthia said as she sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed. She started to pull out her art supplies. "You have let me get photos, but you've never let me do the one thing I truly love to do." She looked at Eddie like a kid in the candy store. "I'm excited."

Eddie put down the book and sat up, "Well, I am glad about that." He crawled up to Cynthia and was inches from her face. "Do I really have to do this?"

"You said I could ask for anything for my birthday," Cynthia smiled at him. "This is what I want."

"You're birthday is still a week away," Eddie cocked his head slightly to the side.

"It's an early birthday present, Hair Band," Cynthia pushed a strand of his hair behind his ear. "Besides, it's just a little bit of modeling. What can go wrong?"

"Absolutely everything," Eddie teased as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He got off the bed. "So, how do you want me to be for this little modeling session." He raised an eyebrow. "Or were you thinking of a nude modeling section."

"Trust me I've seen your dick enough: I don't need a drawing of it," Cynthia couldn't help but go along with the teasing. "Just sit across from me. Look at me. Relax. Be yourself." She patted the bed in front of her. "Easy peasy."

"Fine," Eddie sat in front of her. He was leaning against his pillows. "How long does it take you to do something like this?"

"It depends," Cynthia opened a page in her drawing book.

"On what?" Eddie asked.

"The person."

Cynthia looked down at her notebook as she held the charcoal in her hand. She spared a glance at Eddie. It seemed like he was taking her advice to heart. His brow was relaxed. His brown doe eyes just looked so, so sweet. His lips were curved into a slight, natural smile. It was perfect.

Eddie Munson was perfect.

Cynthia began her process of drawing. She started to sketch the outline of his face. She smiled at the curve of his face. The fullness of his cheeks. After that, she began to draw the outline of his hair. She didn't know if Eddie would be Eddie without his signature mane. She kept looking back and forth between the page and her love. Slowly, but surely, everything began to take form. The arch of his nose. The flow of his eyebrows. The little sparkle in his eyes. Every time she looked up, Eddie was becoming more and more relaxed. He also seemed to become more and more amused with her antics, but she ignored her. It was going to make for a better and more natural drawing. Cynthia didn't know how long she was sitting in front of Eddie, but the drawing was finally finished. She put down her charcoal and held the picture out in front of her for a moment. Cynthia couldn't help but smile at the photo. It looked exactly like him.

"You done, Smart-Ass?" Eddie asked. It was the first time he had spoken since he started modeling.

Cynthia turned the picture around, so he could see, "You tell me."

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