Chapter Fifty Five - Eddie's Birthday

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Cynthia woke up. She looked at the clock and smiled. It was Eddie's birthday today. She threw on her red jeans with a black t-shirt. Cynthia grabbed Eddie's gift from the dresser and headed out to her kitchen. She grabbed a granola bar and headed out to her car. She rolled down the windows and blared some music. Today was an Elton John type of day. The wind was flowing through her hair and just vibed with the music that was playing.

First, she had to make a pit stop. She stopped by their favorite diner. She picked up some chocolate chip pancakes and bacon for her and waffles, scrambled eggs, and hash browns for Eddie. After she was done at the diner, she made her way to the Munson trailer. Finally, she reached Eddie's trailer. It was just shy of 9:30.

She skipped up to his front door and walked in. She had the breakfast in one hand and the present in the other. She set the breakfast and gift on the table. Cynthia walked into Eddie's room. She smiled at the sight in front of her: he was still sleeping. Eddie was sleeping on his stomach shirtless. His hair was a mess, and he was snoring softly. Cynthia knelt down in front of him.

"Wake up," she cooed. "Eddie, wake up."

Eddie's eyes fluttered opened, "What?"

"Happy Birthday, Hair Band," Cynthia smiled at him. She placed a light peck on his lips.

Eddie smiled at her, "That's a way to be woken up, Smart-Ass."

"You're officially out of your teen years," Cynthia tucked some of his hair behind his ears. "How does it feel."

"Like a million bucks," Eddie lifted himself up. "Can I have another kiss?"

"Anything for you," Cynthia said as she gave him another kiss.

After a few minutes of convincing Eddie to get out of bed and get dressed, Cynthia kept her hands over Eddie's eyes as they went into the kitchen.

"You've must have something special planned, Smart-Ass," Eddie said. He had his hands trailing along the wall.

"It's just a little something," Cynthia said. They arrived in front of the table. "Okay, we're here." She took her hands off of Eddie's eyes. "What do you think?"

"My favorite breakfast from my favorite diner," Eddie said as he looked at the table. "And even a birthday gift." He turned and looked at Cynthia. "I thought we said no presents."

"Says the man who got me a present for my birthday," Cynthia said with a raised eyebrow.

"You got me there," Eddie said. He looked at the present on the table. He tore into the wrapping paper. Cynthia smiled as he saw the jacket. He held the present out in front of him. "A jean jacket with patches of my favorite band." He looked over his shoulder. "Thanks, Smart-Ass."

"Turn it around," Cynthia nodded her head at the jacket.

Eddie drew his eyebrows together, but followed Cynthia's advice. He turned it over.

"Oh my god!" Eddie exclaimed. He was jumping up and down as he turned towards Cynthia. "Oh my god! Did you make this yourself!"

"I did," Cynthia smiled as she saw Eddie's enthusiasm. "I knew how excited you were for Dio's new album, so I figured you would like it memorialized on your jacket."

Eddie held the jacket in one hand and wrapped Cynthia into a hug, "I fucking love it! Thank you so much!"

Cynthia wrapped her arms around him, "I'm glad you love it, Hair Band."

"You're the best," Eddie kissed her.

Cynthia pulled away, "I know. Now, how about you put on the jacket and we have some breakfast."

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