Chapter Seventy Eight - A Chance to Calm Some Nerves

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Max stayed curled up in Lucas's arms as they drove back to the Wheeler house. Nancy and Robin pulled into the driveway just after they did. Everyone got out of their cars and headed into the basement.

"What is the deal with the music?" Cynthia asked as soon as they sat down. "I'm thankful that it worked, but why? What did you guys find out?"

"Basically, the same thing happened to Victor Creel and his family as what is happening now," Nancy explained. "He saw the worst memories of his life. Vecna killed his family in the 50s. The only thing that stopped him from ending up like his family was music."

"It basically creates a lifeline to reality," Robin said. "The music reaches a deeper part of your brain than your nerves."

"Okay," Steve said. "But that still doesn't explain why Vecna is back."

"Or how he's choosing his victims," Lucas said.

"And why he's doing this now," Dustin said. "He could have been doing this from the beginning."

Max had her walkman playing, but only one ear was covered, "What if he couldn't before? I mean, think about, who used to be in Hawkins."

"Okay, so El was the deterrent," Nancy said. "It still doesn't explain why Vecna chose now to strike."

"We have more questions than answers at this point," Cynthia put her head into her hands. "It's late. Why don't we all get some sleep."

"Sleep is good," Steve nodded. "But we have to have someone watching Max."

"I don't need someone to watch me," Max tried to argue.

"Nope," Steve shut that down. "You were just levitating. Someone is watching you, and that's final. I'll take the first shift. We'll do it in two hour increments."

"Yes sir," Cynthia nodded as she got up. "I'll be back in a minute."

Cynthia went up to the kitchen. She sat down at the island and just put her head in her hands. She wanted to break down and cry and sleep, but she couldn't. Her body wouldn't let her. It was like she was on maximum overdrive.

"Hey," Nancy's soft voice caught her attention. "What's wrong?"

"Everything," Cynthia sighed as she looked at her friend. "Eddie's wanted for murder, Max is cursed, and we still don't have any idea what Vecna wants." Cynthia ran her fingers through her hair. "I've been at least 24 hours without sleep and running on fumes and the one person who could get me to sleep is currently in hiding."

"Do you want me to take you to Eddie?" Nancy asked.

"I need to stay here," Cynthia said. "I need to help you guys watch Max and keep her safe."

"You know we have that covered," Nancy said. "Steve would never let anything bad happen to her. I'm taking you to Eddie's. You're no good to us if you're a dead-man walking."

"Okay," Cynthia nodded. "Okay."

They got into Nancy's car and she started to drive. It was pretty silent.

"If you guys find a lead, don't waste time trying to get me," Cynthia said. "Just go straight to wherever you need to go. Finding out who Vecna is is more important than me being there."

"You just want time alone with Eddie," Nancy tried to tease.

"I wanted to be able to go on our trip," Cynthia looked down at her lap. "I wanted to have a normal year. Besides, I think Eddie might be going a little stir crazy. He's never had to stay in one place like this for so long before."

"I'm sorry he got caught up in all of this," Nancy said. "I know how badly you wanted to keep him in the dark about everything."

"At this point, I just want it to all be over," Cynthia said.

"We're going to figure this out, Cynthia," Nancy comforted her. "We've always figured it out."

"You know that this is different than anything we've dealt with, Nance."

"I wish you were wrong."

Finally, they pulled up to the boat. Nancy didn't say anything as Cynthia got out of the car. There wasn't anything to say. Cynthia was grateful that they didn't always have to feel every silence with chattering. Cynthia just walked into the boathouse. Eddie wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"You can come out from under the tarp, Eddie," Cynthia put her hands in her pocket. "It's just me."

The tarp was pushed to the side and Eddie sat up, "What are you doing here?"

Cynthia didn't say anything. She got in the boat, straddled Eddie, and just held him tight. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and tried to get lost in him. Eddie didn't say anything, but hugged her tightly. He stayed there for a minute before trying to broach the subject of what was upsetting.

"What's wrong, Cynthia?" Eddie whispered.

Cynthia pulled away from Eddie's neck. She offered a strained smile as she looked into his eyes, "I know you're having a tough week and have had your entire world upside down, but I just need you. I just need you to tell it's going to be okay." Her tears felt heavy as they rolled down her cheeks.

"What happened?" Eddie asked as he wiped the tears off her cheeks.

"Max is cursed," Cynthia pursed her lips. "You're wanted for murder. We don't know why Vecna is killing people or how to get him stop." Cynthia just closed her eyes. "And I have to stay strong. I can't let the kids know I'm scared, and Steve, Nancy, and Robin need someone who they can lean on."

"I'm here," Eddie said as he he pushed her hair behind her ears. He rested his forehead against hers. "And it is going to be okay. I'm just happy that you've decided to spend the night with me in this shitty boathouse. I've missed you." Eddie nuzzled his nose against hers. "I wish we could gone on that trip."

"We still have the trip before going off to college," Cynthia smiled. "It'll be you, me, Metallica, and Soldier Field."

"If I ever get these murder charges dropped," Eddie sighed.

"You're going to get them dropped," Cynthia said. "I'm going to make sure they get dropped. But, I have some bad news."

"How can it get worse?" Eddie asked. "I'm already a fugitive from the law."

"Jason Carver somehow figured out that Chrissy was at your place the night she was murdered," Cynthia bit her lip. "And now him and all the basketball guys except Lucas are out looking for you. Lucas said they went to the band's practice session and threatened the guys until they told them about Dustin. I'm always pretty sure that Carver is just going to be looking for me out of principle. So, that's another problem we have to deal with."

"God dammit," Eddie gritted his teeth. "Why can't they just leave me alone."

"They always believe that DND inspired to you kill Chrissy," Cynthia bit her lip.

"Of course they fucking did," Eddie rolled his eyes. "Jesus H. Christ!"

Cynthia leaned back into Eddie and hugged him, "I'm sorry, Hair Band." She yawned.

"Are you tired, Smart-Ass?" Eddie teased.

"I've been up for close to 48 hours," Cynthia smiled at him. "I am running on fumes at this point." Cynthia yawned again. "It's another reason why I came to see you. I really want to go to sleep, and you're the only person I will be able to sleep around. I have to protect you, but I can sleep next to you."

"You don't have to protect me," Eddie said as he laid down. He held Cynthia close to his chest as he laid down.

"I do though," Cynthia yawned as she listened to the beating of Eddie's heart. "I have to protect you. It's the only thing I know how to do at this point."

"Well, I'm here to protect you," Eddie ran his fingers up and down. "I'm always going to protect you. You're my girl."

Cynthia didn't know when she fell asleep, but she knew when she did, she felt safe in Eddie's arms.

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