Chapter Eleven - Four Slightly Unhinged Teenagers Do Something Crazy

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When they got to the police station, there was only three cars in the parking lot (two if you disregarded Jonathan's). Cynthia looked at the police station then back to her friends.

"This is so illegal," she smiled at them. "Since Hopper is on our side, do you think we'll get off with just a warning if we get caught."

"Let's not test the theory," Nancy said.

The station was left open. Jonathan opened the door and the girls followed him. They snuck past the officers that were sitting in the lounge area and into evidence. They grabbed all the boxes that had been taken out of Jonathan's car and quietly transported them back to the car. Cynthia had the all important job of opening the doors for them: they couldn't take any chances of the boxes rattling. Once they got back to the car, Jonathan raced out of the parking lot and to his house.

The car ride was silent. Cynthia figured that there wasn't much to say. Or there was too much to say. Either way, no one could find the right words for the moment. It wasn't everyday that something like this happened. Hell, Cynthia wasn't even sure something like this happened in a lifetime. It was crazy and had a high chance of failure. But, if Cynthia was going to succeed or fail with anyone, she was glad it was with Jonathan and Nancy.

When they got to the Byers house, everyone got straight to work. Gasoline was spread. Bear traps were set. Yo-yos were rigged. Nancy made sure that the gun was loaded and ammo was close. Jonathan was putting nails into Nancy's bat. Cynthia was practicing her swing with her machete. After what seemed like a life time, everything was ready. They were ready.

"Remember," Jonathan recapped the plan. "Straight into Will's room and.."

"Don't step on the trap," Nancy said.

"Lest we wanted to be eaten by a monster and burned alive," Cynthia offered.

Jonathan ignored her, "Wait for the yo-yo to move, then..." He lit the lighter.

"All right," Nancy nodded.

"You guys ready?" Jonathan asked.

"Ready," Nancy said.

"As I'll ever be," Cynthia took a deep breath.

Everyone had a knife in their hands. All that was left was to set up bait.

"On three," Jonathan said. "One, two. You two don't have to do this."

"Jonathan," Cynthia warned.

Nancy was a bit more direct, "Jonathan stop talking."

"I'm just saying, you don't have to," Jonathan told them.

"Three," the girls said at the same time.

Everyone slid the knife across their palms. Cynthia winced at the blade slicing through her skin. It wasn't what she was expecting. The pain was cold and more central than she thought, but it really didn't matter. The trap was set and she had a giant cut on her hand.

Cynthia washed her hands in the sink. The last thing she needed was for the cut to get infected. When she returned to the couch, Nancy took over bandaging her wound. Cynthia bit her lip to try and distract herself from the pain.

"You okay?" Nancy asked.

"Physically, the cut is fine," Cynthia said. "Mentally, I think I'm going to need some drugs to calm me down after this."

"That's fair," Nancy laughed. She finished wrapping her hand.

"I'll wrap yours," Cynthia grabbed Nancy's hand. She wrapped Nancy's hand just like she had wrapped hers.

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