Chapter Thirty - A Date Night... But Not for Cynthia

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Cynthia headed out of her room as she heard the phone ringing. Dustin was off in la-la land and never answered it anyways, so it was up to Cynthia to man the phone while their mother was away.

"Henderson residence," Cynthia said as she picked up the phone.

"Cynthia!" Max exclaimed. "You're just who I needed to talk to."

"Do you actually want to talk or do you just need something?" Cynthia asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I want to talk to you," Max said.

"Oh, really," Cynthia said. "Because the last three times you've called it's been because you need me to cart you and Lucas around on your dates because neither of your parents will take you."

"I really just want to talk," Max promised her. "How have you been? Any plans?"

Cynthia didn't buy into Max's tricks, but went along with the conversation, "I've been good. I've been keeping up on my art and writing. I really think it's going places. How have you been?"

"Great," Max told her. "Lucas asked me on another date."

"Oh, really," Cynthia said again. "And where is it this time?"

"The roller-skating rink," Max told her. "On the other side of town.""

"Call Lucas and tell him I'll be there to pick him up in 15 minutes," Cynthia told her. "We'll head to your house after that. Make sure you tell your parents where you're going because I do not want your douchebag step-brother sent after you again. It was hell the night we don't speak of over the phone and even more horrible the other time you did it. I thought Billy was going to beat my ass in the arcade parking lot."

"I will. I promise nothing like that will ever happen again," Max said. "Thank you so much, Cynthia."

"Anything for you, kid," Cynthia smiled. "Go get ready for your date."

Cynthia hung up the phone. She grabbed her purse from her room. She still had like forty bucks from the Snowball dinner her and Steve had. It would probably be enough for a new record.

She poked her head into Dustin's room as she walked past, "Dustin." Dustin ignored her and kept playing on his gaming console. "Dustin." He ignored her. Cynthia walked into the room and stood in front of the TV, so Dustin couldn't see his game.

"What the hell!" Dustin said as he looked up at her. "I was in the middle of a game."

"And I know you can hear me from the door," Cynthia was unfazed by his outburst. "Max and Lucas need a ride to the roller-skating rink, so I'll be playing taxi-cab today. I'm going to head to the music store to get a new record after I drop them off. Want to come?"

"No," Dustin said. "Now get out of my way, so I can play."

"See you later, Dustin," Cynthia said goodbye as she walked out his door.

"Bye," Dustin called after her.

Cynthia got into her car. It started instantly. She was so happy that she had finally gotten the car fixed. She made the short trek to Lucas's house. He was basically running out the door as soon as she pulled into the driveway.

"Someone is excited," Cynthia said as he hopped into the passenger seat. She pulled out of the driveway and started to make her way to the Mayfield-Hargrove household. She glanced at him. "This better be a temporary placement. You better be sitting with Max in the back."

"That happened one time!" Lucas exclaimed. "I was nervous!"

"I know," Cynthia laughed. "I just like to give you shit. I like the new cologne you got."

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