Chapter Sixty Four - Thanksgiving

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"All right kids, we need to.... oh god!" Wayne said as he opened the door to Eddie's room. "Lock the door boy when you're changing!"

"Get out, Uncle Wayne!" Eddie screeched as he pulled up his underwear to cover his bare ass. "We'll be there in a second!"

"I think your uncle is scarred for life," Cynthia chuckled as she grabbed her bag from the corner of Eddie's room.

"He's scarred?" Eddie said as he pulled on his shirt. "I'm scarred."

"Whatever you say Hair Band," Cynthia stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. "But we have to go." She walked out of Eddie's room and into the living room. Wayne was standing in the middle with his keys.

"Is Eddie coming?" Wayne asked.

"He should be right behind me," Cynthia said.

"I'm here," Eddie said as he entered the living room. He was pulling his denim vest.

"Eddie, we're going to the Henderson's for a nice..." Wayne started to lecture Eddie.

"Wayne, it's fine," Cynthia said. "As long as you guys are here, that's all that matters."

"Whatever you say," Wayne said. "Let's get heading over to your house before your mother kills all of us. I remember her being very clear about lunch starting at 1:00 sharp."

"I've always found that my mother thinks of sharp as more of a suggestion," Cynthia said as they all walked out the door. "She just says it to make sure people show up when she wants them to."

Cynthia looked at the trailer across the street as she walked to the Munson car. She cocked her head to the side when she Max's mom leaving. She could see Max sitting on her couch through the window.

"Can you guys give me one second?" Cynthia asked the men.

"As long as you tell your mother that you're the one who delayed us," Wayne joked with her.

"You have yourself a deal," Cynthia said as she jogged over to Max's door. She knocked on the door. After a minute, Max entered.

"Cynthia?" Max asked as she opened the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm getting ready to head to my house with Eddie and Wayne for Thanksgiving," Cynthia said. "Are you spending the day alone?"

"Yeah," Max shifted nervously. "Mom has to work a double shift."

"Do you want to come with us to my house?" Cynthia asked. "My mom always makes too much food, and we can make it a sleepover. I'll bring you back in the morning."

"Really?" Max asked as she drew her eyebrows together.

"Yeah," Cynthia said. "I know that the Wayne will be fine with driving you."

"Okay," Max nodded. "I just have to pack a bag real quick. It'll just take me a minute."

"I'll make sure we'll wait for you," Cynthia reassured her.

Max nodded and went back into her house. Cynthia walked back over to the Munson's. Both Wayne and Eddie were leaning against the car.

"What was that all about?" Eddie asked.

"Wayne, is it all right if she rides with us?" Cynthia asked. "She doesn't have anyone. I don't want her to be all alone on the holiday."

"Of course that's all right," Wayne said. "You really are a good person making sure that girl is taken care of."

"I try to be," Cynthia said. "She's one of my brother's closest friends, and I see her more as a little sister than anything."

"Well bless your soul," Wayne smiled. "You really are a good one." He turned and looked at Eddie. "Where did you find her again."

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