Chapter Zero.

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The wind blew Izuku's hair to the side as he stared down at the concrete below. Tears blurred his eyes and he did his best to keep them clear.

"Damnit'll really win in the end..." Izuku's hatred fueled him, but not enough.

He clenched his fist and threw his backpack off of him and back onto the schools roof.

"Being quirkless,truly is, a curse." Izuku muttered to himself.

He grit his teeth and closed his eyes before letting himself fall limp.

He quickly opened his eyes.

'No...' His thoughts started yelling at him as flashbacks of his mom clouded his mind.

'I can't leave her alone! I have to make her proud...' His thoughts came to a halt.

'I guess it's to late.' He closed his eyes again and prepared for the impact of the concrete to kill him.

The impact never came as something crashed into him and back into the building, knocking him unconscious.

Izuku woke up dazed. He looked around and was back on top of his school. A tall skinny figure stood in front of him hunched over.

"Who are you?" Izuku blocks the sun with his arms squinting to see the figure better.

"You alright kid?" The person asks in a husky voice before having a coughing fit.

"I'm fine...what are you doing up here? How did I get back up here too?!" Izuku shot questions at the man who just sighed.

"I saw All might bring you up here. You jumped off." The man changes the subject back to Izuku.

Izuku cringes at his words.

"Yeah...I did..." Izuku clenches his fists.

"So all might just left?" Izuku stands up wiping dust off of his school uniform.

"Yeah, you've heard about his shorter work times haven't you? Age is probably getting to him." The man chuckles to himself.

Izuku just nods as he stares at the sun starting to set.

"You need help kid." The man says walking up next to Izuku and patting his shoulder.

"I know...but I don't wanna be a burden." Izuku's eyes dart to the man.

"Who are you anyways?" Izuku shifts his shoulder out of the mans grip.

The man sighs.

"Call me Toshinori." He says backing away from Izuku a bit.

"May I ask, what's going on that would lead to this?" Izuku twitches at the question.

"What's it matter to you?" Izuku takes his hair out of his eyes.

Toshinori hesitates.

"Im a studying psychologist and will be dealing with these matters soon. So I wanna know if I can help." Toshinori scratches his head while smiling.

Izuku scowls at him.

"Well I'm quirkless so I'm bullied a lot. I wanna be a hero really bad but the reality is I'll never amount to more then the average Joe who doesn't wanna be one, I'll be even less than them." Izuku chuckles to himself while looking down.

"I really am pathetic aren't I..." izuku's smile disappears as anger returns.

"If it makes you feel any better, I have connections...I can get you training with a close friend of mine who used to be a pro hero. Quirk or not you can become a hero. Maybe not one as famous as all might but, one nonetheless." Toshinori offers a hand out to Izuku.

"So how about it kid? I'll get you into therapy and we can train you to be the best you can be." Toshinori's smile makes Izuku frown.

Tears threaten to fall as he grabs Toshinori's hand. Toshinori brings Izuku in for a hug as Izuku finally lets his tears flow.

"I'm sorry...I'm sorry,I'm sorry." Izuku cries as he grips onto Toshinori's shirt.

"Let's get you home kid..." Toshinori pats izukus back.

"Yeah...let's do so." Izuku grabs his school bag and wipes his nose on his sleeve.

"Bleh." Izuku looks at his sleeve before shaking his head and walking to the door with Toshinori.

Both Toshinori and Izuku leave the roof.

A blonde boy walks out from behind the small room on the roof.

"Damn Deku..." He growls while wiping his hands of sweat.

"You're lucky I saved you..." The boy whispered to himself while walking down the stairs.

Izuku and Toshinori walked to Izuku's house.

"I would like to meet your guardian to discuss the training I want to put you into." Toshinori says making Izuku look back at him.

"Where would this training take place?" Izuku raised his eyebrows.

"New York City..." Toshinori casually said.

"WHAT?!" Izuku yells in Toshinori's face.

"Listen, he trained m-" Toshinori paused.

"He trained a hero in America, he can train you..." Toshinori's tone was one a deliberate lies.

'I'm trusting a stranger to train me...and bring me to America...this isn't smart.' Izuku's mind started to race as the adrenaline finally wore off from jumping.

"Why should I trust you?" Izuku said turning and facing the man, stopping in his tracks.

Toshinori clenches his fists.

"I have a certain reason you should..." The skinny man hesitated before face palming.

He looks back and forth, behind Izuku and himself before stretching a bit. He stood tall countering his former hunched over look.

Suddenly smoke popped up covering the man.

Izuku closed covered his face as to not let the smoke get in his mouth or nose.

"It's because, I'm All Might." Toshinori's type of speech returned to that of his all might speech.

Izuku opened his eyes and froze.

"W-wait...what the f-"

"Now young man, do you trust me now?" All might cuts Izuku off with a small smile.

"H-how are you...but you were so're actually all might?" Izuku stutters to get his words out.

All might laughs to the small boy.

"The one and only."

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