Chapter Thirty-Six.

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Ochako looked at her laptop and her eyes widened. Toga was rapidly approaching her location. She closed the laptop and used one for all to run out of her room and out of the apartment.

She jumped to the top of the apartment building. She looked down and saw Toga walking near the center. Ochako activated one for all and jumped down landing on Toga and pinning her to the ground.

"What the hell are you doing here!" Ochako held her forearm against Toga's neck slowly putting pressure on it.

"I have a message from Izuku..." Toga quietly said making Ochako immediately back off.

"What is it." Ochako keeps Toga pinned but doesn't keep her forearm on her neck.

"He wants to say...that he's able to be saved, and that he'll be near me. Always." Toga tells her making Ochako confused.

"Why are you telling me this." Ochako asks with Toga laughing a bit.

"I'm done be treated like a monster, so I'm gonna save izuku, and I'm done being a villain just because of my nature. You can believe me or you can not." She pauses and slides under Ochako to where she's standing up again.

"The league and All for one are no longer allies at the moment, we have izuku in our possession because All for one was using him to bait you to take your quirk. All for one will eventually attack us to get him back." Toga pauses again and gets up close to Ochako.

"Be there when he attacks, and you'll be able to save Izuku." She whispers before backing up.

"And maybe even save me." Toga smiles before disappearing.

It had been two months since Ochako fought Toga in the raid. Since then she had been keeping tabs on the girl but hadn't pounced because of a lack of knowledge of what she was getting into. She finally had the chance to find izuku she wasn't gonna throw it away by being impatient.

Ochako looked around before walking back into the apartment.

"Inko im gonna head out!" She yelled while walking back in her room.

"Alright sweetie! I'll see you later!" Inko yelled back from the other side of the apartment.

Ochako changed into her costume and ran out of the house. She opened her phone and sent a text.

•I'm on my way•

•okay• the person replied.

Ochako did a few squats before latching blackwhip onto two buildings.

'Third.' Fa Jin flowed throughout her legs.

Ochako flung herself into the air.

'Seventh' She started floating so she could stay up in the air and continued to fly.

Ochako landed and looked around her, she hadn't been on U.A grounds since she was expelled.

She walked to the back of the dorms and jumped up to Bakugo's room. The window was open and she entered and looked around.

There Bakugo lay on his bed.

"What's up." Bakugo says while sitting up and walking over to his door, locking it.

"A lot actually." Ochako walked over and sat on Bakugo's bed.

"But first, how are you? I'm sorry we haven't talked in person in so long." Ochako looks at him as he sits down next to her.

"Well, besides having lost my left arm I'm doing fine." Bakugo showed the nub where his left arm used to be.

Ochako frowned.

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