Chapter Fifty.

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Tenko ran through the house with a Deku figurine in his hands. "BOOSH! BAM!" The boy made his own sound effects.

"Tenko! Stop playing with those! It's so childish!" Eri told the boy who frowned.

"But he's so cool!" Tenko insisted while Eri walked over.

"I agree, but I think Ochako is cooler!" Eri brings out an Ochako figure from behind her back.

Tenko was now eleven years old, and Eri was fifteen. Over the last six years since the war Tenko and Eri were as close as siblings. Only Tenko and Eri actually were actually technically siblings now.

"Kids can you quiet down im trying to sleep." Aizawa called to the two as he laid on the couch in his sleeping bag.

"But uncle Aizawa we're having fun!" Tenko complains to the man.

"Fine, but just lower the volume a little bit." The man zipped up his sleeping bag.

"Ok..." Tenko mumbled disappointed.

"Don't worry Tenko, mom and dad will be back soon it's already three and their shift ends then." Eri smiles at her little brother while patting his head.

Tenko smiles at the girl and nods, as if on queue the door to the home opens.

"I'm home!" Izuku called out with Tenko immediately jumping up and running to Izuku who kneeled down so the boy could run into his arms.

"Welcome home dad!" The boy greeted his father while hugging him.

"Hey Tenko! Were you good for Mr.Aizawa?" Izuku asks the boy who nods.

"They were good don't worry Midoriya." Aizawa says appearing in front of the two with Eri by his side.

"He was sleeping." Eri snickered while Aizawa sighed.

"Rat." Aizawa mumbled making Eri's eyebrows point up. "Don't call me that!" Eri said annoyed while pointing to the man.

Izuku chuckled as he Tenko backed away.

"Ochako will be back in a few. She decided to run to the store." Izuku told the two kids who nodded.

"Dad Kota asked me to hang out can I go?" Eri asked the man who nodded. "Sure thing!" He told the girl who immediately smiled and pulled out her phone.

"Can I leave now?" Aizawa asked izuku who laughed. "Yes sir you can, thanks for watching them." Izuku thanked the man who nodded.

"I think they're old enough to take care of themselves to be honest." Aizawa looked at Tenko who was back to playing with the figurine of his father.

"You're right, but Eri here specifically asked me if he could have you watch them." Izuku admits to Aizawa who looks over to Eri who had a blush on her face.

"Dad! I told you not to tell him!" The girl complained.

The first two years Eri was free were spent by the side of Aizawa in U.A so he was like a second father to her. She had a soft spot for him.

Aizawa chuckled.

"Alright, I'll be going, see you later." Aizawa left the house and Eri looked over to Tenko.

"Well, I'm gonna go meet Kota! I'll see you guys later." Eri grabbed her bag and tried to run past Izuku but he stopped her.

"Be home by eight the latest okay? You have the exams tomorrow and I don't want you to fail." Izuku told the girl who nodded. He let her go and she sped away.

He sighed and looked back to Tenko. "Why can't you guys stay small forever." He asks the boy who laughs.

"Don't worry dad, I'll always be your boy!" Tenko told the man who smiled.

"Thanks Tenko." Izuku ruffled the boys hair.

"Hey boys." Ochako walks into the home.

"Mommy!" Tenko runs up and hugs the woman.

"Hey little man!" Ochako hugged him back.

When the two were twenty they officially adopted the eleven year old Eri and seven year old Tenko. They got married at twenty two and had been working as hero's while raising the kids. Izuku was the number one hero and Ochako the number two.

"I saw Eri running out of here. She going to be with Kota?" Ochako asked with Izuku nodding.

"Think they're together?" Ochako asked making Izuku sigh.

"The thought of that makes me uncomfortable." Izuku admits while rubbing his head.

" gotta get over that. Remember by this point at our age I already confessed to you." Ochako laughed to the boy.

"Yeah...honestly I somehow admire your father even more for being able to handle letting go of his little girl." Izuku leans on the wall and Ochako smiles.

"I mean tomorrow is her entrance exams for U.A. whether we like it or not she's growing up fast." Ochako says, the two had a habit of referring to the kids as if they were their biological kids.

"I know that's horrifying too...she's a talented girl and I bet the support course would let her live up to her full potential but I can't help but be scared." Izuku frowned a bit. "It's not that I don't have faith in her, I just worry a lot you know?" Izuku vents to the woman who nods.

"I get it." Ochako puts her hand on Izuku's shoulder.

"Don't worry guys! Big sis is super smart! She'll do great!" Tenko put his arm in the air with a huge smile on his face.

Izuku and Ochako looked down to the boy and smiled.

"That's why I wanna be a hero too! But I don't wanna be a support course I wanna be in the hero course!" Izuku's eyes widened.

"It sucks that I'm quirkless but I know I can do it!" Izuku looked over to Ochako and Ochako got the memo. She nodded.

"Hey mom! Hey dad!" Tenko turned back to the two with his grin.

He ran up to the two of them.

"Do you think I can be a hero even though I'm quirkless?" Tenko's smile didn't let up.

Izuku looked to Ochako who nodded.

Izuku kneeled down and out his hands on Tenko's shoulders. Izuku smiled as wide as he could.

"You can be a hero, I'm sure of it!"

The End!

I finished this story in less than 4 months. That may or may not be a new record.

Hope you guys enjoyed this one as I really enjoyed writing it, probably my favorite story that I've finished.

I appreciate you reading all the way here and if you've been here throughout the lifespan of the story I appreciate you dealing with the inconsistent updates.

I hope you enjoyed reading and if you need more Izuocha stories that are decently long go check out my other ones!

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