Chapter One.

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"We will be up at 4:30 in the morning, every morning. You will eat a healthy breakfast and then we will go to the gym." A short man said to Izuku who nodded in response.

"How will we get to the gym?" Izuku questioned with the man in front of him smiling.

"We will run. Well, you will." The man smiles at Izuku and Izuku sighs.

"Alright..." He mutters.

It had been a week since Izuku met All might in that time he and his mother had moved to a mansion in New York with financial help from All might and Izuku had met his new trainer who he found out had trained All might.

Gran Torino.

The retired hero might have been just that, but he still had a lot of fight in him.

"Alright kid, get to bed, and make sure your alarm wakes you." Torino pauses and turns to Izuku.

"Or I'll have to." The short man smiles as he walks into his room and shuts the door.

A shiver goes down Izuku's spine as he takes out his phone and looks at the time.

Only 9:30 but getting up at 4:30 is a big change for him.

"Izuku sweetie?" Izuku turns to the stairs to see his mom smiling and waving at him.

"Hey mom!" Izuku whispers while walking over to her.

Inko hugs Izuku and pats his head.

"I'm so happy for you! My baby is gonna be a hero!" Inko starts to tear up.

Izuku smiles and hugs his mom before backing up.

"I should get to sleep, I gotta be up a 4:30." Izuku chuckles a bit.

"Alright honey, I'll see you tomorrow after your first day at your new school!" Inko nods and waltzes back downstairs.

Izuku smiles as he turns and walks into his room. He was slightly nervous about his new school but he knew decent English which he had learned while watching old videos of All might in his early days.

He layed down in his bed and dozed off oddly quickly.

The next morning came quick. He woke up to his alarm which surprised him. He got up and was dressed and prepared by 4:45. He walked downstairs and saw Gran Torino making eggs.

"Good morning kid." Gran Torino said without turning away from the stove.

"Morning Sir." Izuku said while walking to the table where he saw a glass of milk.

"Breakfast will be ready in 2 minutes." Gran Torino walks over to the refrigerator and takes out yogurt.

Izuku taps his feet on the floor. Nerves were kicking in for school.

2 minutes later Izuku is served a plate of eggs, with a bowl of yogurt on the side.

"Don't worry, this isn't a daily thing, once we get my cooks back we will have other breakfasts." Gran Torino says casually.

Izuku blinks a few times before eating his breakfast.

'I don't think I'll be able to be surprised more...' Izuku thinks to himself while drinking his glass of milk.

Izuku finishes his breakfast and puts on his school bag.

"So, now I'll run to the gym right?" Izuku asks to confirm.

"Yup, I'll run with you today just so you know where it is but after today you're on your own." Torino stretches a bit before looking at Izuku.

"Alright let's go kid." Torino walks out of the room.

Izuku follows him and they go into the backyard, a good half a mile away there's a big building.

"What's that...?" Izuku questions Torino.

The older man turns to him and smiles.

"That's the gym!" Gran Torino grins and uses his quirk to fly to the gym.

Izuku feels a buzz and looks down to his phone.

'You sprint here every morning as a warm up, then back to push yourself. Leg day is gonna suck Midoriya.' The message reads.

Izuku sighs and starts running.

Two,long, hours later

Izuku breathes heavily as he walks up to the middle school he now goes too.

'Cmon Izuku,you got this...' Izuku's thoughts clouded his mind before he was interrupted by the first bell ringing.

'Oh no!' Izuku sprinted into the school and to the main office.

"Hello, I'm Izuku Midoriya and I'm a transfer student from Japan!" Izuku yelled with the lady at the desk staring at him.

'Oh yeah...I don't speak English.' Izuku sighed and looked down.

Izuku grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He drew a rough sketch of America and then Japan, then a small plane with a huge arrow to where New York is.

He pointed to himself and then Japan on his small map.

The lady nodded then picked up the phone.

A few seconds later the door opened behind him.

"Hello, Izuku Midoriya is it?" The girl behind him asks while tapping his shoulder.

"Uhm yeah...hi..." Izuku turns to see the girl.

She's a bit shorter then him with a shoulder length bob cut and brown hair.

"I'm Ochako Uraraka, I was born in America but moved to Japan when I was very young so I grew up there. I'm in America again for a few weeks because of family and this is the perfect time to help someone else out." The girl smiles at him.

"Thank you so much" Izuku bows and Uraraka giggles.

"Come on.I'll bring you to class." Uraraka grabs izuku's wrist and walks out of the office.

"So you live in japan? What part?" Uraraka looks over at Izuku.

"Uh, I'm from Musutafu city, I have an apartment with my mom." Izuku tries to smile but ends up looking really uncomfortable.

"Oh that's cool! I live in a small apartment not far from there." Uraraka puts her hands behind her back.

"Whats your quirk?" Uraraka turns to him as they start walking up a set of stairs.

"Oh Uhm...." Izuku gets quiet.

"I'm quirkless..." Izuku mutters with Uraraka's expression not changing.

"Same, sucks dont it?" Uraraka sighs a bit but smiles at Izuku after.

"I don't usually find anyone else who's quirkless. So in a way it soothing that I have now." Izuku smiles while looking down.

"Don't sweat it though, kids here are more accepting of quirkless people so you'll be okay." Uraraka continues to look at Izuku.

"That's a relief." Izuku's mind immediately went to Bakugo and his relentless bullying.

"Anyways here we are." Uraraka stopped in front of the classroom door.

"I'm in your class so I can help you and translate what the teacher tells us to do, all can help with assignments until you get the hang of it."Uraraka grabs the handle to the door but Izuku quickly grabs her hand to stop her.

Uraraka looks back at him confused.

Izuku blushes. He grabbed her hand to tell her something but remembered he could've waited.

"Uh, I just wanted to say I can read some English, I just can't understand when it's said, so I should be able to complete papers as long as you explain what is taught by the teacher." He retracts his hand and Uraraka smiles.

"Alright cool, let's go then." Uraraka opens the door and all eyes dart to them.

Izuku's anxiety shoots threw the roof.

'This is gonna be rough...'

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