Chapter Eight.

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Izuku woke up and smacked his alarm off. He got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

He brushed his teeth and stared at himself in the mirror. Remembering back to last night he blushed.

The sun had finished setting and Izuku and Ochako we're walking home.

"Awh that was so fun!" Ochako grind from ear to ear as they near the apartment complex's.

"It was, I had a great time." Izuku didn't look at Ochako at all.

'No way...why do I like her smile so much!' He felt his heart still beating fast.

"We should do it again sometime soon, find more cafe's maybe? Todays was really good but I think we can find better!" Ochako put her hand on her chin while thinking out loud.

"Wait a minute." Izuku stopped in his place remembering something.

"What?" Ochako also stops and turns to look at him.

"We forgot to do our homework..." Izuku face palms.

The two sit in silence.

"Well...I guess we both know what we're doing tonight then, wanna get on a phone call and do it together?" Ochako asked taking out her phone.

"Uhm Yeah sure!" Izuku responded while digging though his pockets for his phone.

The two exchanged numbers right then and we're up very late doing homework even falling asleep on the phone.

"Ugh I'm so tired..." Izuku says in present while getting dressed for U.A.

Today was the day they'd take a trip to the unforeseen simulation joint or USJ for short.

Izuku tied his shoes and adjusted his backpack as he walked toward the front door.

"Have a good day mom!" He yelled out before leaving the house.

He walked to the station and got on the train. Usually he'd see Ochako but he just assumed that she was already at school since she was usually earlier than him.

'I wonder if Uraraka and I could partner up in todays training exercise.' Izuku thought while walking off the train and toward U.A.

He shows up and school and walks to class, as expected Ochako is sitting in the classroom alone. She was always first.

"Hey Deku!" Ochako waves at him.

"Good morning Uraraka." Izuku smiles at her while walking to his seat and sitting down.

"Aren't you excited!!" Ochako walks over to his desk and leans on it.

"Like we get to go on a trip this early in the school year!" She continues while staring at Izuku.

Izuku smiles at her and nods.

"I think it's cool, but it is still training so I'm prepared to work." He rubs his arm.

"Yeah, it'll be fun though,I love training!"

"Very energetic this morning I see." Aizawa stands up out of his sleeping bag.

Ochako flinches a bit.

"I forgot you're here all the time..." Ochako walked over and sat back down in her seat.

Once the class is full they all go to the bus and get transported to the USJ.

"Alright so, today we will be doing villain training, there are robots similar to the entrance exams." Aizawa starts to explain.

"The difference is, these robots have much more combat prowess!" The hero Midnight says with a grin.

"And they will also be smart enough to use teamwork, so don't think singling them out will work the whole time." The hero 13 says through their mask.

Untapped Potential! ~IzuOcha.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum