Chapter Eleven.

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I know I don't usually put a comment at the beginning of this story but this is actually the longest chapter I've ever written on Wattpad in my entire life at 8638 words WOW. That's over 4x longer than my longest chapter previously.

Izuku stood at the starting line of the sports festival's first event. It was a race into the stadium but with obstacles in the way.

He had little experience with his quirk but during the USJ he used to it fly so he planned to do the same here.

"GO!" Present mic yelled using his quirk officially starting the race.

Izuku sprinted over the start line and around the corner where zero pointers from the entrance exams automatically locked on to all of the students.

Izuku ran through under them and then used his explosions to propel himself up on top of one of them.

He blows up the wiring sending the robot to the floor, the way he knocked it over blocked anyone who couldn't jump high or fly.

Ochako wasn't one of those people. She jumped over the robot Izuku knocked over using one for all. She was able to use ten percent of one for all after her training since the USJ.

All of the students end up at a canyon looking field. Small ropes in the middle are the only way across if you don't use your quirk.

'This quirk really was well timed...' Izuku thinks while flying over the abyss.

Ochako used one for all to jump from rock to rock.

The final obstacle was a minefield and a long stretch run into the stadium. The students were all walking slowly trying not to activate any of the mines Bakugo Todoroki and Izuku were all fighting for first place but Ochako on the other hand used one for all to propel herself into the air so unbeknownst to the three fighting for the lead they were all behind Ochako, not by much though.

"IM NOT GONNA LOSE THIS!" Bakugo screamed at Todoroki and Izuku while turning his hand to the both of them.

Todoroki stayed silent but Izuku smirked.

"IM NOT EITHER!" He screamed back at Bakugo while pointing his hand at him as well.

Todoroki being in between the two put ice up to his sides stopping the impending explosions.

Izuku caught something in the corner of his eye. He looked over and saw Ochako in front of them.

'Damnit!' He thought to himself while using his explosions to go even faster attempting to catch up to the one for all user.

"OH NO YOU DONT!" Bakugo jumps up to Izuku's blind spot and grabs his collar choking him.

"DAMN YOU!" Izuku turns over and puts his hand on Bakugo's face.

"DIE!" Izuku yells while blowing Bakugo back into Todoroki, the two fall onto the mines causing a massive explosion. It catapults Izuku forward and he crashes into Ochako making them both fall onto the ground.

More mines get activated and the whole field of them starts to explode.

"Holy shi-" Izuku get interrupted by Bakugo flying through all of the explosions with Todoroki right behind him Bakugo punches Izuku in the face and Izuku growls to himself.

He gets up and looks at Ochako who is already running after Bakugo and Todoroki. He wipes sweat off of his face and starts to use his explosions to fly after them.

It was really the final stretch now, a couple hundred feet away from the finish line the four were almost neck and neck.

'He's fast!' Ochako tjinks while pumping one for all up to twelve percent.

Untapped Potential! ~IzuOcha.Where stories live. Discover now