Chapter Fourteen.

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Izuku walked out of his apartment building with his normal backpack filled with clothes for the next few days, along with a string bag around his arm filled with the essentials such as a toothbrush and things like that.

He saw a black car in front of his building and the back window rolled down.

"Come on Deku get in!" Ochako called out to him.

Izuku smiled and walked over to the car, opening the back down and sitting inside.

"Good morning Deku." Ochako was giddy with excitement.

"Calm down Ochako, you don't want to use all of your energy." Izuku felt his heart sink as he looked in front of him and saw a woman with brunette hair the same as Ochako's.

'HER MOM??' He thought to himself while looking at All Might.

"Morning Young Midoriya." All Might snickered as he started to drive.

"Good Morning All Might." Izuku was now very nervous.

"So Midoriya. I've heard a lot about you." Ochako's mom says with Izuku looking over to Ochako who awkwardly smiles.

"Is that right?" Izuku stares at Ochako.

"It is, I've heard about your quirk awakening, your training, bunch of stuff like that." Ochako's mom laughed a bit.

"Ah, yeah it's been an eventual year to say the least." Izuku laughed as well.

"And it's only just the start." Ochako groaned while leaning against the window.

"I mean, I'm looking forward to it, I've wanted to go to U.A since I was really little." Izuku shrugged.

"Why'd you want to go to U.A specifically?" Ochako's mom asks making Ochako giggle because she knew why.

Izuku blushed a bit.

"Because All Might went there..." Izuku shyly admitted before covering his face.

"Awwww" Ochako's mom giggled a bit.

"Here that Toshi, you really are inspiring the next generation of hero's." Ochako's mom lightly taps All Mights arm and he chuckles.

"I guess so." All Might looks in the rear view mirror and sees Izuku with a faint blush on his face looking out of the window.

After about an hour or two they all arrived at a small apartment.

"Well, here it is!" All Might pointed at a small apartment building.

"Good luck you guys!" Ochako's mom waved at the two.

"Wait you aren't coming with us?" Ochako questioned her parents.

"Nope! We're going to the estate. We'll come pick you up in a few days. Bye bye!" All Might said before flooring the gas and driving away.

Ochako and Izuku watched as the car disappeared.

"Well...I guess we go in." Izuku turned to Ochako who was clearly mad.

'Yikes...' He thought to himself.

She turns to the door and walks to it before quickly knocking.

"Uraraka, we'll be okay it's just a few days." Izuku tries to reassure her but she turns to him and glares.

"Deku, do you notice something different about us right now? Choose your words wisely..." Ochako growls at him.

Izuku stays silent.

"Look at your hands." Izuku looks down and sees his luggage.

His eye widens.

"Oh...I get it." Izuku says looking down.

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