Chapter Twenty-Three.

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"Are you serious..."

Izuku was baffled.

"Today is august fifteenth. A month and four days since you were captured..."

"And a month to the day after your birthday..." She continued with a frown.

"N-no way...I was asleep for a month..." Izuku was spacing out.

"Here...I have to show you where the class is staying now." Ochako grabbed izuku's hand and started to walk.

"Wait what do you mean? Is the class staying together?!" Izuku questioned Ochako who nodded.

"There's a dormitory now, they made it after the mall incident but you never got to see it..." Ochako frowns as they turn a corner and see the dorm building.


"Welcome to heights alliance." Ochako tells him as he walks in front of her.

"How did they build this all so shortly..." izuku asks confused.

"Money talks." Ochako tries to joke.

Izuku smiles and turns back to her.

"Oh by the way have you talked to Inko yet?" Ochako asks out of no where.

"Honestly I called you no..."

Ochako smacks him on the head.

"You idiot! That's your mother who's been worried sick! Call her now!" She scolds him.

"Yes ma'm!" Izuku says before looking at his phone.

"Oh phone died in the middle of our call, so I can't really do it right now." Izuku frowns while putting his phone back in his pocket.

"Here ya go." Ochako pushes her phone against izuku's chest.

On her phone showed inko's contact information.

Izuku pressed the call button and sighed.

The phone was almost instantly picked up.

"Hi Ochako, im sorry i can't talk right now I-"

"Mom it's me."

Inko stopped talking.

"I thought I lost you...after the failed rescue mission I thought you were gone..." Inko was bawling her eyes out but trying to keep her composure.

"If you're busy I don't wanna-"

"Oh hush, don't be dumb you're my baby who's been missing for a while now I need to see you, where are you?"

"I'm back at U.A the dorms." Izuku tells her.

"Izuku you're not going back there! Are you out of your mind you just disappeared because of them!" Inko raised her voice making Izuku look down.

"I know mom...I know..." He accepted it this time.

First he lost his eye, and the multiple times after where he was hurt more than Inko could handle. This was the final straw.

"I'm on my way. Stay at the dorms I'll meet you there."

"I love you Izuku."

Izuku smiled.

"Love you too mom..."

The phone hung up.

"Well..." Ochako says while Izuku hands her the phone.

"She's on her way. Somehow she knows the dorms are here..." Izuku face palmed.

"She's been here a few times, me and her are friends. Also she wanted to see Bakugo and talk to him." Ochako started walking toward the dorms.

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