Chapter Nine.

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Izuku woke up surrounded by people in a hospital bed. He could barely breathe and the vision in his remaining eye was fading. He coughed a bit and Ochako leaned over the hospital bed.

"Deku! You're gonna be alright!" She grabbed his hand and he squeezed to show he was awake.

He couldn't speak his throat was dry.

There were IV's in his arm.

He saw Ochako with a cast on her left arm, the one that had been snapped by the Nomu.

Izuku stared at the ceiling, it felt like everything was going so well then this. He felt his grip on Ochako tighten and a tear flow down his face. His breathing became faster and faster until everything went black.

Doctors surrounded him and Ochako was kicked out of the room. There she stood with All Might who was in his small form. Nobody recognized him.

"Ochako is he doing okay?" All Might said as Ochako walked up and hugged him.

"Dad I'm scared..." Ochako mumbled into her fathers chest.

"I know..." All Might rubbed her head.

"You mind if I join the hug?" Inko asked as she walked up to the two after recognizing Ochako.

"Oh Inko! I'm so sorry this is happening." Ochako hugs Inko and the two cry together.

Ochako and All Might consoled Inko.

Meanwhile In the corner sat Bakugo with a hoodie on. He had a whole bunch of questions for Izuku when he woke up.

"I'm Inko Midoriya, Izuku's mother." Inko wiped her tears while speaking with All Might.

"Toshinori Yagi, I am Ochako's father, it's great to meet you and I'm so sorry about all of this." All Might bowed down.

To Inko this was odd but to Ochako it was seeing her father apologizing for not showing up to the USJ earlier.

"I think it's time we go home Ochako, it's getting late after all." All Might pat Ochako's shoulders and she nodded.

"Uhm,inko..." Ochako hesitated to continue.

"Yes dear?" Inko asked her.

"Can I have your number? If you wouldn't mind I'd love updates on izuku's condition while I'm at school." Ochako awkwardly smiled.

Inko smiled and nodded.

"Of course." Inko pulled out her phone and the two exchanged numbers.

"It's so nice that Izuku has friends that care for him so much." Inko smiles at Ochako and Ochako just smiled back.

"Alright well we better get going." All Might says as he turns to the door.

Ochako nods and waves to Inko before the two leave.

Inko sits down in a chair and looks over to the corner.

"Katsuki, how long are you going to stay?" Inko asks catching the boy off guard.

'Figures she knew.' Bakugo smiles to himself.

"I'm gonna head out soon, my moms gonna come by and visit soon so she'll be able to keep you company." He sits next to Inko and hugs her.

"Thank you Katsuki." Inko smiles.

"Well, im gonna go now, I'll see you around Auntie." Bakugo stands up and starts to walk away before glancing into izuku's hospital room.

There he lay, eyes closed with a lot of wires hooked up to him. Bakugo cringes at the sight before walking away.

A week and some past by quick. Class was finally back in U.A. The only reason they didn't go on sooner was because of the backlash from the news. Recovery girl had healed Ochako's arm back to normal but nothing more could be done with Izuku. His eye hadn't returned but he was more stable then previously. Still he hadn't woken up.

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