Chapter Forty-Nine.

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Ochako woke up and looked around her, she saw Recovery girl at her desk typing something on the computer.

"Recovery girl?!" Ochako almost yelled but stopped because she felt a sharp pain shoot through her torso.

The woman turned back to her and perked up.

"Oh my! You're awake!" Recovery girl rushed over to Ochako and started to check her vitals.

Ochako held her stomach as tears flowed down her face, the pain was excruciating.

"The hell happened to me..." The girl mumbled while trying to keep her composure.

"Adrenaline is the only thing that kept you alive during your fights." Recovery girl told Ochako as she put a glass of water and a few pills on the table next to Ochako.

Ochako looks the two items but just stared at Recovery girl.

"I shouldn't be alive is what you're saying?" She asks the older woman who nods and brings out a chart.

"Four fractured ribs, two of which punctured your left lung. All four of your limbs are broken, severe concussions, cut all over causing severe blood loss." She reads out as Ochako's eyes widen and she looks at the arm she used to hold her stomach.

"Then how am I moving this." She said out loud before pain shot through her arm."Gah!" She yelped as Recovery girl sighed.

"Reflexes I guess." The woman answers as she grabs the water and puts it in front of Ochako's mouth.

Ochako takes a sip and recovery girl puts the pills in her mouth. Begrudging the girl swallows the pills. "Ugh" she groaned.

"Those will calm the pain for a bit." Recovery girl backed up and looked at the girl as she closed her eyes.

"Is everyone else okay?" Ochako asked the woman who chuckled. "Yes, everyone recovered relatively quickly besides you."

Ochako groaned again.

"Where is everyone anyways." Ochako thought of Izuku and a smile appeared on her face.

'He's finally back with us...' She thought to herself as Recovery girl started to speak. "Your class is graduating right now, Deku is there with them." Recovery girl told Ochako and her eyes widened.

"Wait how long was I asleep?!" Ochako asks with recovery girl sighing.

"It's March and you've been out since December." Recovery girl tells Ochako whose eyes widen.

" I'm eighteen now right..." Ochako questions with Recovery girl just nodding.

Ochako starts to think about everyone, but especially her mother. "Where's my mom..." Ochako asks recovery girl but as she does the door bursts open.

"Ochako!" Ochako's mom stood in the door with tears flying from her eyes.Ochako smiled as she started crying as well.


Izuku watched as the students of class 3-A walked toward the stage. Present mic stood on the podium with a smile on his face.

"And finally, last but not least,the hero's of class 3-A!" Present mic started to announce.

"Here to speak is class 3-A's representative. Tenya Iida." Present mic announced.

Iida walked onto the podium and present mic handed him the microphone.

The microphone piqued causing a loud noise to ring throughout the graduation ceremony.

"These past three years have been interesting for all of us to say the least." Iida joked with the crowd in front of him responding well to the small joke.

Untapped Potential! ~IzuOcha.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora