Chapter Twenty-Eight.

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Izuku walked into the dorms and saw Bakugo sitting on the couch.

He was confused because the internships had started and he was supposed to be there.

"Kacchan?!" Izuku blurted out making the blonde boy look over to the door.

"What are you doing here Deku?" Bakugo asks confused at the boys return.

"Mr.Aizawa told me I could stay at the dorms since most of our internship work would be at U.A,anyways, what about you aren't you supposed to be at an internship?" Izuku shoots the question back.

"Well yeah, but I was told I couldn't stay there overnight because of my attitude." Bakugo rolled his eyes a bit at the thought and looked back to the TV.

"Oh hi Midoriya." Todoroki walks back in the living room with a cup of tea in hand.

"Todoroki too??" Izuku's eyes widen.

"I came back so Bakugo wouldn't be alone in a building where he can do anything he wanted." He sits down on the other couch and sips his tea.

"So you guys are at the same internship?" Izuku asks while walking over to the couches.

"Yup, I'm at endeavors agency and so is he." Bakugo answers while crossing his hands behind his head.

"I invited him to join me because my f- Endeavor said to get someone from my class to intern with me." Todoroki tells izuku making bakugo glare at him.

"That's cool." Izuku just nods awkwardly.

Izuku walks over and sits down on the other end of the couch Bakugo was on.

"So how was the internship with Aizawa?" Bakugo looked over to him.

"It was alright, you guys remember that guy from the sports festival? Shinso." Izuku asks the two.

"The one Uraraka beat up?" Todoroki asked making Bakugo almost burst out laughing.

"Oh yeah the brainwashing freak." Bakugo days reminded by Todoroki's comment.

Izuku sweat drops but nods.

"He's the only other guy in Aizawa's training, so it's kind of awkward." Izuku looks down at his bruised knuckle.

Bakugo notices and looks at his his bruised knuckle as well.

"What did you beat the crap out of him?" Bakugo asks.

Izuku chuckles.

"Yes, but no, we sparred and he didn't win a single round over hours of sparring." Izuku tells them.

Bakugo laughs a bit and Todoroki smiles.

"At least you know you're still strong." Todoroki sipped his tea again.

"That's not it though, he made a remark afterword about why I was so good at sparring even though I had the explosion quirk." Izuku frowned.

"So you're pissed that he made a remark about something he had no clue about, since he didn't know you were quirkless until the USJ incident." Bakugo says reading the situation surprisingly well.

"Exactly actually." Izuku replies with a small chuckle.

"Easy fix, beat him up." Bakugo shrugs making both izuku and shoto sweatdrop.

'There's the Kacchan I remember.' Izuku smiles and starts to laugh a bit.

"For real though. Don't let someone's ignorance bother you, he'll be the person he is and you don't have any obligation to get along with him, after all you're just sparring partners for now." Bakugo says looking away from the two and back to the TV.

Izuku nods.

'I guess he's right.'

"You could also try and make up with him, after all he has the same goal as all of us, to become a hero." Shoto adds with izuku nodding again.

"I guess I'll just have to explore my options." He says getting up.

"Thanks guys, I'm gonna go take a walk I'll see you later". Izuku waves at the two and leaves.

Ochako and Mirio walked down the street, they had spent the day doing good deeds for people, such as helping them unload trucks, walk old ladies across the street, things along those lines.

"So how do you like it?" Mirio asks as they turn a corner.

"It's nice, the feeling of helping someone who needs it." Ochako smiles and laughs.

Suddenly Ochako feels someone run into her leg and looks down to see a silver haired girl with tears in her eyes on the floor. She had bandaids all over.

Ochako's eyes widen and she immediately squats down to her level.

"Hi! Are you okay?" Ochako asks while Mirio looks around for the girls parents.

"Help me..." The girl mutters while crying.

The girl crawls over and puts her head on Ochako's chest.

Ochako hugs the girl.

"What's your name?" Ochako asks while looking at Mirio.

"Eri..." She quietly answers.

"Eri, alright." Ochako pats her back.

"Please save me." Eri mumbles.

"Eri!" A voice comes from the alley next to them where Eri ran out from.

Eri almost yelps.

"Sir is this your daughter?" Mirio asks the man who nods in response.

"Yes, now come on Eri, we have to go back home!" The man calls to Eri who squeezes on Ochako's costume.

Ochako side-eyes Mirio who smiles at her.

"We have to let her go back to her father Ochako, let her go." Mirio smiles with sweat dripping down his face.

Ochako looked back to Eri who quickly let go of her hero costume and ran away back to the man in the alleyway.

"Thank you hero's!" The man smiled but Ochako could tell it was fake.

She clenched her fists as the man walked away with the girl.

Once the two were out of view Ochako looked at Mirio and stood up.

"Listen Ochako-"

Ochako slapped him across the face before he could finish talking.

Tears flowed down her face.

"She needed saving, why did you send her back to him!" Ochako scolded Mirio who held his face and looked back at her.

"We're both on patrol, we have no right to follow a case we know nothing about." Mirio insists making Ochako grit her teeth.

"She told me to save her! What if she's not alive by the time I can!" Ochako was on the verge of panicking.

"Ochako! Stop!" Mirio grabbed her shoulders and held her still.

Ochako stared him in the eyes and became angry.

She used blackwhip to rip his hands off of her and walked away.

'If I'm not allowed to save a little girl who needs saving, then what the hell is even the point of being a hero anyway.'

Untapped Potential! ~IzuOcha.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora