Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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Izuku ran at shinso and threw a punch. Shinso caught it and twisted izuku's arm making him cringe. Izuku rolled over realigning his arm and in turn twisting Shinso's, a move he learned while training wrestling. Shinso looked at him surprised before izuku headbutt him sending him to the ground.

"That's the match." Aizawa said while standing up.

Izuku walked over and put his hand out to Shinso.

Shinso grit his teeth and begrudgingly let izuku help him up.

The two had been sparring back and forth for a few hours and Shinso hadn't won once.

"That's it for the day, tomorrow I'll have you guys spar me. You're dismissed." Aizawa told the two before walking out of the room.

Izuku looked over at Shinso.

He hadn't forgotten what he said to Ochako during their match, so he had a small grudge against the boy but he was the type to forgive so that's what he did.

"Good matches Shinso."

Shinso scoffs.

"How do you do it, how'd you get so good at close combat when you had an explosion quirk. It doesn't make sense why would you train something you didn't need." Shinso growls.

Izuku just stared at him.

"Listen we can be teammates or we can be friends, the third option is we can be enemies. If you wanna talk bad about me or ask stupid questions you can but don't expect me to be all nice about it." Izuku said calmly before putting his hands in his pockets and walking to the door.

"Pick what you want this too be, I'm willing to forgive you for what you said at the sports festival, but I never forget." Izuku walks out and closes the door behind him.

Shinso stays still before punching the ground.


Ochako stood across from Nighteye.

"Use your quirk, and steal this from me." Nighteye holds up a stamp.

"Seriously?" Ochako questions, underrating nighteye.

Nighteye smirks.

"Just try and catch me." He says.

Ochako activates one for all full cowling at twenty percent to try and keep the damage to the room minimal.

She jumps at nighteye with her hand out and he easily dodges.

Ochako turns back as she is about to hit a wall and springboards herself off of it back at Nighteye.

Nighteye once again dodges with ease.

"Like I said Ochako, my quirk makes you obsolete as an opponent." Nighteye tells her while fixing his glasses again.

"If you can't beat me, what makes you think you can be a hero?" Nighteye was becoming cruel and Ochako didn't like it.

She didn't respond and decided she didn't care for the buildings well being, activating one for all to forty five percent. She jumped at nighteye and this time nighteye was caught and scratched slightly before getting away.

"I see you're pumping up the power a bit." Nighteye smiled.

Ochako landed on the wall and an almost went straight through it.

Ochako looked back to where she landed.

'Wait...' Ochako thought to herself while looking at the wall.

She jumped off the wall and switched her output to fifty percent.

Ochako barely grazed Nighteye again before using blackwhip to cushion her landing. Stopping herself from breaking the wall.

She smiled to herself before looking back at nighteye who had a small pool of blood pouring out of a cut on his cheek.

"I guess you got me, but you didn't get the stamp." Nighteye puts the stamp up.

"You still haven't won." Nighteye finishes while putting the stamp back in his hand, cupping it.

"Come and get it, Ochako." Nighteye said while Ochako grit her teeth.

Ochako decides to go full blast. Smoke fills the room and Ochako goes back and forth,wall to wall,stirring it up.

Nighteye looked back and forth dodging her strikes.

Suddenly Ochako stops and flicks one for all toward night eye clearing the smoke.

"Damnit!" Ochako mumbles with Nighteye putting the stamp on a table.

"You're good, but you're not good enough. While I understand why All Might did what he did, I still don't think he should've transferred one for all to his daughter." Nighteye said while shooing the smoke away through a window.

"He didn't have a choice! He had to transfer to someone quirkless or the next person would've died!" Ochako growls with Nighteye just staring at her.

"Your little friend Izuku Midoriya would've been perfect then." Nighteye says before walking out of the room.

Ochako's eyes widen and she grits her teeth, punching down on a desk.


Nighteye walks back in with Mirio and Mirio looks at the wall Ochako almost broke through.

"Woah, what happened?" Mirio asks walking up to the wall and poking it.

"Ochako jumped at it using her quirk and accidentally broke it." Nighteye says while looking over to Ochako.

Ochako was embarrassed until Mirio looked back over to her.

"Oh wow so your quirk really is super strong." Mirio says while smiling at her.

Ochako looks at Nighteye and he smiles before turning back around.

"Alright well, today you guys will go on patrol. Lemillion, I trust that you won't let Ochako get hurt, and that you won't fight any real villains only do good for those who need it." Nighteye tells the two.

"Yes sir of course." Mirio smiles and puts a thumb up before looking at Ochako and nodding at her to also answer him.

"Oh uhm, yes sir!" Ochako answers getting the hint.

"Good, now get your hero costumes on and get out of here." Nighteye tells them before walking away.

Ochako sighs.

"He's hard on us, but he only wants the best. Don't worry, he'll lighten up especially if you've known him for so long." Mirio smiles at Ochako who nods.

'If only you knew.' Ochako continues to nod before they both go their separate ways to get in their hero costumes.

"Alright ready?" Mirio asks while Ochako walks out of the elevator.

"Yup, let's go." Ochako smiled at him and the two walked out of the building.

Untapped Potential! ~IzuOcha.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن