Chapter Thirty-Nine.

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Izuku slowly started walking toward Muscular.

"You have a lot of quirks right!" Muscular laughed.

Izuku's eyes became shadowy as he put his hand out.

Tendrils shot out and straight through Muscular's stomach. Muscular's eyes widened as he spit up blood.

"What the hell..." Bakugo watched as izuku beat Muscular in cold blood with little to no effort.

Izuku looked back to Bakugo.

His eyes were red, and toga's blood still dripped down his face. He looked like he was ready to kill anyone.

"Can you fight alone." Izuku asked Bakugo while he looked at Bakugo's new robotic left arm.

Bakugo felt his throat become dry.

"Yeah, I can hold my own....what are you planning." Bakugo asked.

Izuku ignored his question and walked past muscular who fell down onto his face unconscious.

Shigaraki held All for one by the face.

"Master! Your time is done!" He tried to use the all for one quirk but All for One sent tendrils through his stomach sending him flying back.

Shigaraki's super regeneration quickly brought him back to full health and he growled.

"Why can't you just go down!" Shigaraki asked the man while flying at him.

All for one smiled and lasers flew out of his eyes. Shigaraki barely dodged and grit his teeth.

"I won't let you ruin my dream!" Shigaraki punched All for one in the stomach and all for one grinned.

"You can't touch me Tomura, I made you as strong as my prime and I'm at that same point! It's an even bout, at least it would be if I didn't have the experience!" All for One activated hardflame fan a quirk that creates a giant wall of flames around him, flames even hotter than Dabi's.

"You are my creation! I won't let you defeat me!" All for One laughed as he activated air cannon and shot Shigaraki into the fire before using his quirk hypertrophy to enlarge his arm and grab onto his face, holding him in the fire.

Shigaraki's skin started to burn and he quickly became barely anything but a husk of himself. He screamed in pain as he started regenerating but the flames still burned him.

"See Tomura, you are no match for me." All for one smiled.

All for One heard the flames to his right become more prominent and looked over to see Izuku with Ice encapsulating his body.

"IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Izuku roared as he broke the ice keeping him from burning and used an explosion to hit all for one.

All for one smiled and used another quirk: impact recoil.

The attack sent at all for one was absorbed by this quirk and sent back at Izuku who couldn't react in time and faced the blunt force of his own explosions knocking him back through the fire. All for one then grabbed izuku as well and held him in the flames.

"NONE OF YOU ARE A MATCH FOR ME!" All for one yelled with a laugh.

This is where spoilers for the actual manga come into play, the second users quirk will be used here, if you don't want it spoiled stop reading now. If you don't care, then go on ahead!

'Second.' Ochako touched her fingers together.

'Gearshift!' Ochako changed her speed and she flew through the fire and kicked All for One with a one hundred percent smash.

He lost grip of Shigaraki and Izuku and the flames subsided.

'Remember Ochako you don't have long. After you stop using this meta ability now, you will be out of the fight.' The second user communicated.

Ochako nodded.

'Third' Red energy flowed through her legs.

She jumped at All for One.

The surrounding people couldn't even see her because of her immense speed.

All for One recognized the power, but he couldn't believe what it had become.

'This ability! It used to only be able to shoot tiny objects!' All for One thought to himself before trying to put his hand and and use Impact Recoil.

Ochako was too fast.

'Quintuple! Detroit smash!' Ochako hit all for one five times before he could even see her.

All for One was sent into the ground and he felt something for the first time since he fought the original second user.


All for One grit his teeth as Ochako flies at him again before he can react.

'First gear!' Ochako sped herself up and slammed her leg into All for One's face.

All for One bounced up off the ground and blood shot out of his mouth.

'Second gear!' Ochako sped up again and kicked All for one into the ground breaking multiple ribs.

All for One became angry and used Impact recoil holding it for the next impact.

'Third gear!' Ochako slammed down onto All for One but felt a resistance.

"What the hell!" Ochako said before being blasted away.

Pain shot through Ochako's body and she flew into a building.

The impact was so bad that Ochako was almost unconscious, she lay in the rubble of a building as it was falling over.

'Is that...really how strong I am...' Ochako thought to herself before closing her eyes.

"Don't die on me damnit!" Ochako opened her eyes and Saw All Might in his muscle form.

"D-dad..." Ochako cried.

All Might picked her up and jumped into another building.

"I-it hurts so bad..." Ochako mutters while trying to stay conscious.

She had never been hit by something like she just had, all for one's impact recoil dealt just as much as damage as he would've taken.

"Ochako you're gonna be okay!" All Might grit his teeth and put Ochako down.

" are you using one for's been over two years." Ochako coughed up blood and All Might jusr stared at her.

'This bastard...' All Might thought of All for One.

"I never exhorted the rest of my powers, but I can only last around twenty minutes per day." All Might clenched his fisrs

"Never fear Ochako." All Might looked over to where All for one had been.

"Because I am here."

Untapped Potential! ~IzuOcha.Where stories live. Discover now