Chapter Forty-Four.

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Shigaraki appeared in the USJ and saw Izuku in front of him.

"Shigaraki!" Izuku yelled out while jumping backwards.

Shigaraki grit his teeth as the horn on his head disappeared.

"Damnit!" Shigaraki punched the ground and it all broke up into pieces.

Izuku jumped up and Shigaraki glared at the boy.

"You!" Shigaraki used decay on the ground and the surrounding area immediately became dust.

Izuku had kept himself up using float.

He breathed a sigh of relief as Shigaraki flew at him.

"Damn you!" Shigaraki held out his firsts but Izuku used Impact Recoil, it completely countered the punch and Shigaraki flew backwards hitting the ground and causing dust to stir up in the area.

Izuku saw an outline of Shigaraki.

'Must be search...' Izuku thought to himself while shooting the rivet tendrils out of his palm.

He heard them connect and got ripped toward Shigaraki. The dust dispersing away from them.

Izuku looked to Shigaraki to see the tendrils still inside of him but him pulling izuku toward him using them.

Izuku retracted the tendrils before he could be too close to Shigaraki.

Izuku tapped his fingers together and activated gearshift on himself. He wasn't one hundred percent sure how the quirk worked but all he knew is he went incredibly fast, faster then light possibly.

Izuku shot at Shigaraki and punched him in the nose, shattering it.

Shigaraki held his face.


"A shattered nose doesn't feel so good does it!" Izuku smirks at Shigaraki who growls.

"I'm gonna murder you!" Shigaraki's nose started to regenerate but Izuku activated Erasure.

Shigaraki's eyes widened as Izuku's smirk turned to a smile.

"Got you!"

Izuku charged Shigaraki and Shigaraki raised his hand and swung down as izuku neared.

Izuku brought himself to a halt with gearshift and avoided the hit. The ground started to decay again and izuku made sure he was floating.

Shigaraki smiled as he kicked the ground.

Izuku flinched as dust came toward his eyes.

Izuku clutched his eyes closed deactivating Erasure.

Shigaraki's nose immediately regenerated.

"Try again!" Shigaraki laughed as izuku floated up higher in the air and rubbed his eyes.

'Damnit' He thought to himself before getting punched in the gut and flying up through the roof of the USJ.

He opened his eyes and looked around. A hole in his stomach quickly regenerated.

He heard an explosion and looked over to see a building crumbling as three figures fought on top.

Izuku used his robotic eye to zoom in and saw Bakugo and Iida fighting Overhaul.

"Katsuki!" Iida called out to Bakugo who had just blown off one of Overhaul's arms.

"Four eyes this is life or death! And I'm not losing to some villain Ochako fought with fifty percent of her power!" Bakugo's inferiority complex shined through for a moment as overhaul screamed in pain.

The building quickly fell out beneath them and Iida dashed at Bakugo, flying the two onto the ground.

"Are you alright Katsuki?" Iida asked the explosive boy as he ripped himself out of Iida's grip.

"Yeah I'm good! Where'd Overhaul go!" Bakugo looks around until hearing a loud crash.

The two hero's in training look over to see Overhaul on the ground unconscious. The two walked over to him before a green spark appears in front of them.

Izuku stands over Overhauls body and stares at the man.

"I can't let Shigaraki get this quirk." Izuku puts his hand over Overhauls face and uses All for one.

"Deku!" Bakugo calls to the boy who just glances over to him.

"Kacchan, Iida." The boy looks surprised.

"Run." Izuku finishes taking Overhauls quirk and disappears from their view.

"Did he just steal overhauls quirk!" Iida yells out of character.

Bakugo glances behind him and sees the USJ.

"They were fighting in there." Bakugo sees the huge hole that was created after Izuku got sent flying out of the top.

"We need to help him! He'll die if he fights alone!" Iida urgently says while attempting to run to the USJ.

Bakugo grabs his shoulder.

"We need to help Shoto, we'd only be getting in the way of Deku and or Ochako." Bakugo looked as Izuku neared the USJ again.

Meanwhile Shoto and Dabi were still going back and forth with their fire attacks.

"Toya!" Shoto yelled as the two's fists clashed.

Toya was nothing but clothes and a Skelton at this point, what kept him alive was a mystery.

Toya had been almost nonverbal since his jaw had almost completely fallen off. The stitches of Dr.Garaki from so many years ago finally breaking.

Shoto felt skin start to melt on his hands as Toya cranked up the heat again.

Shoto winced in pain but pushed farther, slowly cooling himself off with ice to stop his skin from melting.

Shoto kept trying to balance his output of Fire and Ice.

He felt his blood circulating faster through his body and he felt a cold breeze from himself. He looked at his flames that were higher than ever, but they weren't orange they were blue, not because of how hot they were, but because of how cold.

Shoto's eyes widened as Dabi's body was engulfed with the cold flames.

Dabi put his other hand up and put his jaw into place before laughing.

Shoto looked at his brother.

"REST NOW BROTHER!" Shoto overflowed the whole block with the ice cold flames.

Dabi continued to laugh.

"Brother!" The broken man started.

"I have a resilience to ice shouldn't you know this!" Dabi shot his hot flames through the streets.

The flames danced around catching building on fire and anything else in their way.

Shoto grit his teeth.

'Fine, then how about the opposite.'

Shoto closed his eyes as he heard his brother laugh.

Out of his right side came a huge glacier. It was hot to the touch, almost as hot as endeavors flames.

Dabi's eyes widened as he was encapsulated in the glacier.

Shoto started to scream out loud as he looked at his brother.


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