Chapter Six.

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Bakugo helped Izuku up and the two walked to Todoroki and woke him up, Bakugo held his arm over his shoulder and walked out of the building.

Izuku quickly jumped down the ruble of the building where Bakugo had blown it up, there he picked up Ochako's head and shook her a bit.

She woke up and looked at him.

"What the hell happened..." Uraraka looked at Izuku who just smiled.

"We won." Izuku's smile stayed on his face while tears started to flow.

Uraraka smiled back.

She didn't know why Izuku and Bakugo had issues, but for now she was content with their victory,questioned could be asked later.

Uraraka stood up.

'Ow my back...' She thought while cracking her back.

"You okay?" Izuku watched her rub her back.

"Yeah I'll be alright." She nodded.

"Come on Deku, let's go." Bakugo called for him while walking to the rest of the class.

"Alright..." Izuku held a hand out for Uraraka.

She accepted and he wrapped her arm around his shoulder. He blushed a bit,not so used to that much female physical interaction even if he had a lot of friends in America.

"You sure you're fine?" He asked one more time.

"Yes,yes I'm fine Midoriya."Uraraka chuckles and they both walk to the classmates.

Uraraka and Todoroki were both brought to the infirmary for Recovery Girl, and Bakugo and Midoriya rejoined the class to watch the rest of the training matches.

Later in the day both Todoroki and Uraraka were fully recovered.

They both left school at the same time and Uraraka started to follow Todoroki.

"So Todoroki right?" Uraraka asked the quiet boy.

He nodded.

"So you're his son right." Uraraka became serious.

Todoroki's eyebrows lit up a bit, then became firm.

He nodded.

"Then why didn't you use fire earlier?" Uraraka looks over at Todoroki who puts his right hand up to the sky.

"I refuse to use his power, I'll become a hero with only my mothers Quirk." He clenches his fist and puts it down to his side.

"Uh huh." Uraraka looks back toward the road.

She sees a black limo start to pull up.

"This your ride?" Uraraka looks at Todoroki who just nods.

"Well Todoroki, good fight today." She reaches her hand out for a hand shake.

He nods and shakes her hand.

He gets in the car and leaves.

'What an odd boy...' Uraraka turns and walks toward the train station.

Once Uraraka was in her town she started to walk home. She spotted Izuku walking toward his apartment with a bag in his hand.

She saw burn marks from what she assumed was Bakugo in their fight earlier.

She jogged up to him.

"Hey Midoriya." Uraraka tapped Izuku on the shoulder causing him to jolt.

"Oh hey Uraraka." Izuku quickly calmed down and smiled at Uraraka.

Untapped Potential! ~IzuOcha.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora