The Defeated Sword

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Aaron Firehand sat in the Defeated Sword, Jikouji Ienori's tavern that was built down the road from Castle Aminour. Aaron had it built in this place because he liked the Defeated Sword, and he had hoped to be president some day. But those days were gone: he couldn't use his reality-altering powers in political gain, in the hopes that he would become a tyrant.

Then the new kid walked in the door, and everything changed. Simon Ulcrates, a horse farmer from the Outskirts of the Darkness, waltzed right into the history of Las Aminour. Aaron could tell he was crucial to thousands of stories (he could tell these things, he's a time lord), so maybe this guy could help him win a presidency.

"So, new guy," Aaron said as soon as Simon seated himself at the bar. "Got any stories to tell?"

"None for you, stranger." Simon positioned his bar stool away from Aaron.

"Jikouji, his drinks are on me," Aaron told the bartender, and Jikouji nodded. He filled up a thing of ale, and threw it down to Simon but he didn't grab it. Instead, it fell to the floor and broke into pieces.

"I don't drink," Simon said. "I'll have a water."

Jikouji rolled his eyes, and went to go fetch a new glass. Aaron waved his hand, and the glass reformed and floated onto the table. Simon still refused to look at him.

"You know, I've seen a lot of mages like you, and they all think that they're 'gifted', or something."

"Have you ever seen a mage do something like..." Aaron did nothing this time, instead just sat there as time went backwards to when the glass was sliding up the table. It stopped, and Aaron caught the glass. "This?"

Simon now turned to Aaron. "How did you do that?"

"I have powers beyond any comprehensive knowledge. I was a time lord, but the council I had once believed in is now... gone."


"Gone." Aaron looked out the window. "Now, Simon, if you don't mind me asking, because I already have, tell me about yourself."

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