The Last Drop

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Thomathy swept behind the bar at the Last Drop when Captain Caroline came from the office area she worked. She kind of looked like the other guy Thomathy had seen earlier with horns, but she was more friendly. And didn't smell.

"Well, Thomathy: another day, another bag of doubloons." She bent down to hand Thomathy his pay. "Is Claymore coming to pick you up?"

"No," Thomathy replied. "Phil said I should walk halfway and then meet him-" Just then, the bell rang and Caroline looked up. It was Claymore, and he had the look on his face that generally meant he was up to something.

"Caroline, I'm here to pick up Thomathy." Thomathy hid behind Caroline. "Come on, let's go home."

"I don't think he's going with you, Claymore." She drew her basket-hilted sword. "I think Phil's coming for him."

Claymore stood there for a while, looking at her. "Caroline, it doesn't have to be like this. You can just give me Thomathy."

"I agree, I don't think it should be like this. He's a boy, and whatever mistake he's done to anger you, this isn't the way to handle it. Thomathy, go upstairs to my office. And lock the door."

Thomathy ran up the stairs, as quickly as his legs could take him. Claymore moved over to the stairs, but Caroline repositioned herself so he would have to go through her.

"It's only a matter of time before the kingdom is out in my hands, Caroline. The better you serve me, the more wealth you'll gain."

"I've never been a thieving kind-of pirate," Caroline said, holding her sword in front of her. "I've been more of an adventurer really, the kind of adventurer that says no to the face of evil. The amount of times I've seen that face... it makes me sick."

"Well, then you'll see it one more time." Claymore said, as he rushed forward.

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