The Suna Deal

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Sakarai Suna walked up to Aaron Firehand after the meeting was done, and shook his hand.

"I hope the presidency race won't make it hard to work around?" Sakarai asked.

"No, Madame Suna, it won't. Remember, the Heart of the Cards is about inclusion, not exclusion." Aaron replied, looking at the Las Aminour sunset.

"Let me get to my point, Aaron. If Las Aminour wins this war, you will give me headway in the presidency. If we lose this... revolution, then I will step aside for you and Simon to achieve the political power you seek to achieve. Got it?"

"Are you asking me to jeopardise my nation in exchange for politics?" Aaron asked, looking deep into Suna's eyes.

"No, I'm telling you what's going to happen. Simon himself said it, 'the outlying villages will get roped in to fight a power that isn't even a challenge', or something like that. We will win, and you will lose."

"Why would I ever agree to this?" Aaron asked. "There seems to be more in this for you that there is for me."

"Because..." Suna looks at the moon rising. "Look into the future, Aaron. You know that you'll never be a president. You're emotional, and loyal to your friends. By adhering to those morals, you'll never get what you want because you're always helping them with what they want. Why bother?"

Aaron walks away, sick of the conversation, and Simon appears from a circular disc on the table.

"You see, loyalty isn't one of Aaron's weakness." Simon walked up to Sakarai and looked her in the eyes. She tried looking away from Simon's inhumane eyes, but there was nowhere to look away to. "It's one of his strengths. Haven't you ever thought why Aaron never used his powers to get his presidency, or why Las Aminour is the way that it is? It's because Aaron built it for his friends and his cousin, not for himself. And yes, Aaron tries to get elected for president because he should be the one ruling. He never admits it, but those who know him realise that this nation would be so much better off if it was ruled by a time lord. Which is why Aaron gets votes sometimes. Because of his loyalty to friends... and to his nation."

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