Angels and Akki

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The army of Las Aminour marched up to the Citadel of Stone, with Sakarai Suna, Aaron Firehand, Alberto Brown, and Simon Ulcrates riding on horses. Aaron had called his horse Canterbury, and Simon called his Shade; Sakarai and Alberto didn't care to name their horses. When they reached the Citadel, Alberto rode forward without hesitation.

"Akki that reside in the Citadel of Stone, come out of-" Alberto hadn't even finished his sentence when thousands of arrows rained down from slits in the rocks. None of them hit anyone, but a hissing sound emanated from them. Simon held up the holy symbol, and...

Explosions rang out from every side of the field, voices screamed to people who couldn't hear because of the ringing in their ears.

Sakarai's and Alberto's horses both bolted, leaving them behind, sprawled on the scorched grass. Aaron rode Canterbury quickly away from the unfolding chaos, and Simon was shielded by a giant angel, wings folded over the technician and his horse. As soon as the troubles ended, the angel stood up, and flew into the Citadel.

Alberto stood up. "That was an angel of the Christian pantheon. If that divinity exists here... then what we're about to see is something strange indeed."

The Citadel stood, and it stood still. Nothing happened for a long time, until Sakarai turned to the samurai that had marched all the way there. "Time to head back. And when we return, we will INCINERATE THEM!"

Simon turned to Aaron. "She can't rule. She'd make war with anyone that challenged her. Thwt's no way to run a nation."

"That's true," Aaron said. "But time will flow like a river, downhill. Eventually, there will be an end to everything. Eventually, there will be a whorl in the flow that causes it to flow differently. That whorl is coming up soon."

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