The King's Advisor

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King Alastair II sat on the throne, looking up at the portrait of his father: King George the Invisible. It had taken the people used to a mage king, but they eventually accepted the benefits of an innate spellcaster heading the kingdom. Alastair hadn't gained any of the benefits, but wasn't looking to either. Magic was his father's thing, his was money.

And then Claymore entered, bowed, and stood up again. "Your Highness, I heard of a revolution starting in the Distant Tundra. Is there any way I can serve you?"

"No, Claymore, I don't want any more deaths on my conscious. Perhaps this Alex the Blade is right, the throne should be abdicated. I assume you can arrange a meeting with him?"

"I can, if it would please Your Highness Alastair." Claymore turned, but then stopped and looked at the king. "The only thing keeping you in that throne is me, sir. Right?"

"You're right, Claymore." Alastair narrowed his eyes. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm just trying to say... if respect is the only thing keeping you from dying, then respect is nothing." Claymore turned, and left the throne room.

Was that a threat? Was it a warning? Was there someone- no, not someone: Claymore. Claymore had just threatened his life if he gave the throne away to anarchy. There must be something he could do.

Claymore knocked on Jonathan's door, and it slid open. The scents of heavy alcohol flew outside, hitting Claymore at full force. But he didn't flinch back.

"Hey, buddy," Jonathan slurred. "Nice to see you. I know why you're here, you're here to... why are you here?"

"I'm here for the book, Jonathan. I know you have it now." Claymore said, drawing an axe. Jonathan took a step back.

"There's no need for violence here, I don't have the book. I never had the book. And even if I did, someone else would have it by now." Claymore raised the axe, but Jonathan fell backwards. "No! Wait! Someone stole it yesterday, some little kid came in and stole it. I saw him just as he was leaving... thought he was a raccoon. He wore this white and red tunic, but he left some sort of tag behind."

Jonathan handed the piece of paper to Claymore, who took it and read "If found, please return to Phil Watson if you want to keep your life."

Claymore looked up. "It seems you get to live your miserable life another day. I know where this kid is living."

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