Depressing News

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Aaron Firehand slumped in his chair, waiting for the paper to come in. He knew he already lost, Simon was gone from Las Aminour. The only definitive votes he got was from Arkeim, Sir Parcival, and maybe Jikouji for the business he brought to the Defeated Sword.

The door opened, and closed. Aaron brought the paper in, and handed it to Aaron, still slumped in the chair.

"Anything good?" Aaron asked.

"No, only grim news... foreboding a troubled future." Aaron replied, handing the paper to Aaron.

Aaron sighed, and skimmed the paper. "I was right. Sakarai won."

"Sakarai only wins if you lose. And you never lose."

"I've already lost everything. My family, my love, my friends, my presidency, and now my sanity. You're not even real!" Aaron threw the paper at Aaron, and he disappeared.

Aaron stood up, and opened the window. He needed fresh air. Maybe he'd go out and do something.

He got food from the grocer, got a drink from Jikouji, and returned home. Simon was there.

"You've... come back?" Aaron asked.

"You needed me," Simon replies. "I can't turn my friend down. I mean, what kind of a person would I have to be to leave my friend to become a vigilante."

"You'd have to be a pretty bad friend," Aaron admits, then pauses. "You're not real, are you?"

"No." Simon is replaced by Łark. "No, I'm not. But are you real? You killed all of us. How can you do that?"

"You threatened my own interests!" Aaron said, throwing the groceries at him. "You threatened the sanctity of time..."

"Or, was it you who threatened time?" Sakarai opened the door and entered the room. "If you had not have done what you did, would Anri have died? Pope? Lycan?"

"If time didn't exist," Aaron said. "Neither would you."

Aaron ran to his library, and casts an enchantment on it that hides visions and effects. His mind settles down, and he's able to think. Think of a solution, he can't hide in the library forever.

And then it hit him. A creature of enormous magical power that could help him. A therapy animal, of sorts. He'd have to acquire a familiar.

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