A Council of Powers

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Aaron Firehand called a council of people that were very influential, or held some sort of political power in Las Aminour. James Bronzeheart and Parcival were not invited.

"People of this council," Aaron said, once they had gathered. "I have called you here, because the akki population is going to take the Citadel of Stone, which Genrikh Gorbachev built, as their home."

"But they cannot," Sakarai Suna replied. "Are they not aware that the Citadel of Stone is considered a war monument?"

"They have to," Nikaidou Ienori, the shogun of Las Aminour, replied. "Legends have been told of what happened during the Lesser Wars, they are no secret; even the fact that Gorbachev built a refuge in the West Moon Steppes."

"Which is why I gathered you here." Aaron put his hands on the table and stood up. "The laws of Las Aminour state that the desecration of any kind of monument is to be considered a war crime. Las Aminour hasn't seen a war since the Lesser Wars, and I didn't like that one either. But it isn't up to me, since a president hasn't been elected yet."

"I say we go to war," Alberto Brown replied. "If Las Aminour is anything like it is on my world, we have the power to take down this Citadel of Stone... which isn't on my world."

"We have to avoid conflict somehow," Simon says. "If war breaks out, we would be dragging in all of the small, outlying towns to crush an opposing force that stands no chance."

"But sometimes, war is the only way to avoid confrontation." Nikaidou touches the scar on his cheek, remembering the events of the Lesser Wars. "Being shogun and war hero, I know when an opposing force has to be dealt with. And the akki, they ought to have been dealt with a while ago."

"I agree. The akki have been a nuisance in Las Aminour for long enough, we should deal with them." Sakarai stood. "And, of course, Aaron Firehand can just change reality to deal with this."

"Reality altering isn't all that it's cracked up to be," Aaron replied. With that, the meeting adjourned.

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