A Nation United

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Aaron entered the city gates with Alexei Maldonado, looking at the great houses and shops.

"A nation divided," Aaron said. "Is a nation united."

"Where do you get such wisdom?" Alexei asked, and Aaron chuckled.

"You'll see. You'll see in due time." Alexei was left behind, and Aaron walked through until he reached the house of Phil Watson, who was surprised to see him.

"Aaron," he said, setting down the dishes he was doing. "I didn't plan to see you for a few hundred more years."

"Your humour is well-placed, I am not after another one of Alex's horses. I spoke to him the other day, in the Pantheon."

Phil shot a look down the hallway. "Shh, he's sleeping. Come this way."

Phil led Aaron down into the basement, which was separated into four different areas. One had an armoury looking area filled with weapons and armour. Another was filled with stuffed animals and a board with portraits. Another was filled with a variety of things, a little bit mumbled around. And the last was filled with a stitched flag, a diamond-studded sword, and a mannequin with a suit.

"I remember giving Will a tricorn with that suit," Aaron commented.

"The boys must have taken it," Phil said. "I never understood why you gave that to him."

"Will wanted it, and I owed him a favour. Anyways, onto Alex."

"Whenever the people revered him as a god-figure, we always tried to shut these rumours down. However, his influence has spread across the land. A legend will one day turn to myth, the same can be said about you."

"That's a fair point, my powers have grown over the years. However, so has my empathy for humans. How has your vision of humans changed... or has it?"

Phil shook his head. "When I served the Heart of the Cards, I was taught that governments were wrong, and unjust. Everyday, living as an archangel, has showed me how correct that actually was."

"I can empathise, even though I myself am a politician. And the boys feel the same way?"

"Alex does, Thomathy wants to see the world burn, Toby is a pacifist, and Will... it's so hard to tell what Will is thinking."

"Let me talk to him, where is he?"

"He's down the road, in the casino." Phil shook his head. "I'll show you where he is.

A Nation DividedWhere stories live. Discover now