In Techno City

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Techno City was possibly the most highly advanced in all of Ver D'nor, with steampunk designs generating a sense of power for the city. This was also where Phil evacuated his family, claiming to know someone who could hide them while they planned on what to do next.

Eventually, Phil led them to the place, and knocked seven times. On the seventh knock, it opened, revealing a man wearing a white mask on the side of his head. "Phil, what are you doing  here?"

"We need help. Real help." Phil said, in an urgent tone.

"Of course," he said. "Come in."

When the family, including Mark and Nicki, was inside of the house, the man turned to see everyone. "Phil, I can't hide this many people."

"We're not asking for you to hide all of them here. If you can hide some of them separately, that would be okay. Everyone, this is Claymore. Claymore, this is my... extended family."

"Claymore... like the spear?" Alex asked. He was weary and tired; since he was on the move since attacking the guards, he had not gotten much rest.

"I like this one," Claymore said. "He knows what he's looking for in life. These other ones, I'm not too sure about. I could maybe line places up for them, I'd have to pull a few strings with some friends."

Claymore left, and Thomathy pulled on Phil's jinbei. "I don't like him, he seems... evil."

"Nothing about Claymore is evil," Phil said. "He just likes having control of any situation. He happens to gain by helping us, since we can offer him protection after the government is torn down."

"I still don't trust him," Will says. "Anyone that holds onto any form of power should be stripped of it. Trusting Claymore is going to end with betrayal."

"That seems like your problem," Alex said, sitting on the ground. "For now, we don't have any other choice but to trust him. Mark, what did you get out of the house?"

Mark laid four bags on the floor in varying size. He unsheathed the sword at his side, and handed it to Will "I was able to grab Will's suit and sword, some of Toby's pictures, a lot of your weapons, and then... whatever fit in the bag from Thomathy's pile of stuff."

"It'll be enough until we go back," Phil said, sitting on the ground next to Alex. "For now, this is the hand we've been dealt."

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